SumIT Weekend of 18-19 February, the idea for iPad and Hackathon

the Good news SumIT Weekend there are only 2 days, but still have the opportunity to apply to participate in the contest ideas and win iPad!

do Not have time until Friday? Come in Saturday February 18 at SumIT Weekend and present your projects to the experts. Maybe you will get 20 000$ on March 14 in a closed invest-session SumIT.

If no ideas, but want to join an interesting and promising project, you will be happy to SumIT Weekend. Take a look and choose now

But if you already have an established startup that is looking for employees in permanent jobs, freelance or option, place the job IT Portfolio.

SumIT Weekend will take place on 18 and 19 February, i.e. next weekend. Meeting place same as last time, the Assembly hall of the ITMO University, Saint petersubrg, 49 Kronverkskiy prospect (entrance from Sytninskaya street).


Saturday (18 Feb)
13:00 – 13:30 Registration. Morning coffee
13:30 – 14:45 Opening. Performance of the invited speaker. View of experts.
14:45 – 15:00 Start of the competition Hackathon
15:00 – 16:00 Presentation of all the projects in the form of elevator-pitch.
You need to prepare a presentation for 2 minutes (download binding template, view example)
16:00 – 18:30 Session of work on draft c the business and IT-experts

Sunday (19 Feb)
12:30 – 13:00 Morning coffee. Informal communication.
13:00 – 15:30 teams Work with business and IT-experts
15:30 – 16:30 Final presentations of all projects not included in the 15-th best
16:30 – 17:30 chat with the founders of 3 successful start-UPS
17:30 – 19:00 Crach-test final project presentations (only 15-th best)
19:00 – 19:30 Presentation of the participants of the Hackathon contest. Meanwhile, the experts choose the best 10.
19:30 – 20:00 conclusions SumIT Weekend

In the evening of Sunday 19 February will become known on 10 teams for 3 weeks will receive a free co-working space and expert assistance start-up accelerator iDealMachine. But this does not mean that the other participants are eliminated from the game. Everyone over the marathon SumIT are daily master classes, seminars and hackathons.

First Hackathon has started! Do the homework, present it on 19 February and will receive a prize – an iPod Touch.

To develop a mobile app for iOS — the reader feed'and social network Vkontakte (
API synthesis of Russian speech (speech technology Center):
API description:
Vkontakte API:
Parser feed'and for the correct flow of information (pictures, names, groups, polls, videos, etc.)
Low design (not so ugly), the maximum functionality.
Article based on information from


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