Tactoom. How about the middle of blogging?

*Auto-invite works only with this page, click on the logo* UPD: Registration is open.



“Angels” unleashed us wings were given full freedom in the formation of the concept of the project is not only to launch, but some time after. Initially we knew about Tactoom one — it will be a web-based platform for communication on the basis of mutual interests. No social network, not a forum, but a universal way to communicate on different topics with different people, most importantly, on mutually interesting topics.
In less than 6 months from closed beta, Tactum was evolution, changing from “do not know what the” in:

1. Social blogging platform based on your interests.

the Essence in one sentence: tags in your posts are the interests of other people. Roughly speaking, the ability to write for the target audience — the function by default.

2. Service middle blogs.

Yes, that's what you thought, in the middle between microblogging and blogging classic.

Middle-blog Tactoom is:

  • Nothing more — the main functions of blogging, including the ability to insert in the record photos, audio and video
  • the
  • Short format of entries in the news feed. Title, preview image and a minimum of text — everything you need for a cursory acquaintance with the post
  • the
  • Avtopogruzchik content links in the form of a post
  • the
  • Minimalism and ease of interface



I will say little about the current statistics.
Registered users — 10.6 thousand;
The number of calls a day — from 500 to 1000;
Active users — about 3.5 million (come at least once in 2 weeks, while already went to tactoom not less than 3 times);
Partially active — 2,5 thousand (visit not less than once a month, and already went to tactoom not less than 3 times);
In the day register (last month) — from 40 to 100 people.



At this stage, given that about tactoom almost no one knows we are satisfied overall with the numbers. But now we will increase the number of noughts :) So prepare first an advertising company. Among the audience of bloggers and active Internet users with a variety of interests.
Among the first plans, APIs and mobile applications.
After the first 100 thousand users will go to English - and German-speaking audience.
In General, future plans much, but they are adjusted depending on user activity.
And while we continue to make inform social platform based on interests and study reviews from bloggers. Assume be an alternative for the considerable number of users of LiveJournal and Twitter — for those who on the one hand too little, and with another — too much)

PS I Want to thank the users Tactoom who participated in the experiment and helped to shape it the way it is now.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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