AdSense in topics

Hello all.

Recently wrote a post on habré, and visited me a crazy thought — why not to insert AdSense code in your topic?
Of course, so blatantly I did not lead. I don't think this trick would have worked, and even if it worked, I doubt that I would have forgiven him.
And here I am.

On habré already raised the issue that sooner or later it should develop into a system in which authors could earn on their publications. After all, there are completely different topics, from simple to very large and complex, the writing of which the author spends hours, days, or even sleepless nights.

Of course, if everyone on the taste and color to insert in every post AdSense code, this will cause febrile splash tops, painted is what I want kind and from all sides will pour tears — "Habr is not the same".

But because this idea is possible to implement a much more elegant way.
Write out your vision system.

1. Each topic is inserted AdSense block, stylized overall design of Habra.
2. This unit is small. And he's the only one. It is not necessary to fill up all the advertising.
3. This block of text. To flashing images are not bothered to read the topic.

4. If the user inserts in your top ad unit, it receives a penalty in the form of a low rating of a topic.
5. While there is only a 50% chance that it will be advertising the blog user, not the Habra. This will eliminate the desire to bring the author's fee. That is, every time you click on the links in the ad unit, the user does not know whether it is a few cents of default, or Habra.

I see the pros of this system is to Habra and for authors.

What do you say?
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