And this Chelyabinsk... location UWDC!

Internet users Chelyabinsk are so severe that arrange the conference among weeks.
On 20 and 21 February in the "harsh" city in the country will host the next Conference of the Ural Web Developers — UWDC.

Four years ago, several Ural guys wanted to organize a Internet conference with blackjack, solitaire, and poets. And so began the history of the UWDC. Cabal of the TRANS-Ural "Ural Web Developer Conference" quickly turned into an event of Federal scale. It's not so often possible to arrange such razvernulsya outside the capitals.

This year the conference will be held in a brand new format on a new site. A year ago, some of the sections was so popular that it is difficult to accommodate all the visitors. Therefore, UWDC'13 will be held in the entertainment complex "METROPOLIS" that is not only comfortably accommodate a larger number of participants, but will also help cultural rest after a busy day of reports.

What's on the agenda?

Web development
the Hype around cloud computing has subsided and the first line of the news coming out of frontend development, driven by the growing popularity of mobile platforms, we will pay close attention to UWDC’13. Server-side programming is also not left behind, and among other eminent speakers we traditionally expect the arrival of Alexander Makarov Yii.
Full list of reports on web development

the Main message of this year: more practice, experience, stories about experiences with morality, and less transcendental chatter. Planned master classes and workshops.
Our speakers will share their experience in the development of metro maps, the use of infographics on the web, and we'll talk about interfaces and analyze the tools of Illustrator while working with them.
Specifically, the design section will be held at the small night club, it is very comfortable, great interior, and even a wet bar with a working bar will be placed right behind the listeners ;)
Full list of presentations on design

Internet marketing
this is Traditionally one of the busiest and most popular sections at the conference. Roman Rybalchenko will come from Kiev to talk about how web Analytics helps to save budget and increase conversion and also it will conduct a visual master class on web Analytics. Shabalin Sergey and Evgeny Letov will tell about how to make a website for SEO right from the start. Silantyev Daniel will share the experience of creating e-mail newsletters for an online store and information project.
Full list of reports on Internet marketing

Mobile technology
Mobile section will collect the reports from the leading IT companies, including JetStyle, Microsoft, Bitrix, Mail.Ru etc. this year will talk about the development for new mobile devices such as phones, tablets and even TVs! Also pay attention to the new trend — mobile web.
Full list of reports on mobile development

Government and business
the Section will serve as a discussion platform for the representatives of Internet businesses and the state. A number of expert practitioners will share their experience of building business in the online sphere.
Full list of reports of the section "Government and business"

How to get there?

to get to the conference in any way: by plane, train, car, snowmobile, reindeer sleigh — it all depends on your level of remoteness and the desire to share these days with like-minded people.

As in the past year, part — pay. The cost of 1500 RUB for 2 days — democratic and at the same time, protects the microclimate of the conference from random people. Will only our people, and it will be interesting ;-)

A ticket to the conference can be purchased now on Good news — the ticket you can win in contests held in Twitter and official Facebook page.
For guests of the hotel "malachite" (is 200 m from the venue) has offered participants a 30% discount from the cost of the hotel rooms.

P. S. don't forget to warn the user about their participation in the conference, as it runs in the weekdays before the holiday weekend. And on weekends you will have the opportunity to relax or go skiing in the Ural mountains ;)

Will meet on 20 and 21 February in Chelyabinsk! Follow conference news on Twitter via the hash #uwdc.

And especially for favorite Gabriela we made 10 promotional coupons for 30% discount. Every 5 minutes we are going to delete used coupons.











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