Configuring Zend Framework 1.9.5 on Denwer 3

Hello everyone! Today I will tell and show you how to put the Zend Framework 1.9.5 on the Denver 3. But the configuration is not simple, but with the possibility of using zf Command Line Tool.

So let's start :
  1. Download the framework from the website and unpack the folder library in the root directory of your Denver. I have it located on C:\webserver. will Rename it to zendframework:

    / > Create a new folder zendframework
  2. the
  3. Now go to the folder usr\local\php5 and open the configuration file php.ini :

    Folder php5
  4. Looking for the Paths and Directories and include_path. This option allows you to add directories in which the PHP function require() and include() looking for header files. Added to the already existing path folder that you just created with the framework:

    include_path = ".;/usr/local/php5/PEAR;/zendframework"

    Here I have a skid from which the PHP interpreter (php.exe) were given at the command line connection error extensions (extensions) when you run the zf Command Line Tool. Therefore, change the extension_dir :

    extension_dir = "C:\webserver\usr\local\php5\ext"

    as a result, you should get the following:


    Go ahead. Now you need to configure environment variables for comfortable work with zf Command Line Tool. In Windows 7 this setting is control Panel\System and security\System\advanced system settings\Advanced Tab\Click the “environment Variables”. to be able to call the PHP interpreter from the command line wherever we were – you need to add the path to the directory where the php.exe variable PATH. my configuration is C:\webserver\usr\local\php5:

    environment Variables Window Window change the PATH variable

    There is another variable you need to add is ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH. The idea is zf Command Line Tool should work without it, if you specify the include_path in php.ini, but I have without it somehow got out error. This variable must be set to the path to the folder with the framework. In this case, is C:\webserver\zendframework :


    All the preparations are complete. Extracted from the folder bin of the archive with your framework two files – zf.bat and zf.php in our home folder C:\webserver\home:

    zf.bat and zf.php

  5. Now run the command prompt (cmd), go to home folder and try to create the frame of the project:

    cd c:\webserver\home
    zf.bat create project myproject

    Command prompt
  6. If this happens, you'll see freshly the folder myproject.

    Now you can see the results of their fruits:




auf Wiedersehen! And nice coding!
Article based on information from


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