— diary of your baby

Long wanted to write here about my little project


A little background. A little over a year ago my daughter was born and there was a "need" somewhere to write how is the baby, upload pictures. As you know such things are quickly forgotten. Somewhere in Word-e wife was not satisfied, and googling I found normal service where it would be possible to do it all.

It was important for me that the note marked with the child's age, 1 year, 1 month, 3 weeks and 6 days. The other important factor was the functionality of uploading pictures.

The prototype I made quickly, just a few days. I hadn't thought about the sociality, because the diary was only for my wife. But soon came the thought, why not make Kiddy for our friends (also young parents). And away we go... :) For a couple of months due to the small team had written the first version, a sort of symbiosis of children's Twitter and Facebook.

And then there was amazing for me personally — for the three months consisted of 200 users, half of whom began actively to record notes, upload pictures, comment... in General "be active". And all this only because of word of mouth. To be honest, until this moment I never believed in the effect of word of mouth :)


Now the average appears at 2-3 per day. Of course this is a modest number, but with no advertising and no PR (public relations began only now).


For example my profile

What you can do in Kiddy? The main aim is to record important moments in the life of your child (or multiple children)/ can Write like mom and dad. If you are not interested in the social component, you can simply close the profile of the baby (this mode had to be introduced due to numerous requests). For the rest — you "want to be friends with", to read, to comment, etc. other kids. It is particularly interesting to frmedit children of a similar age to your child.

This is essentially all. Now we are only at the start, I am absolutely sure that a year from here on habré I will write again about her child, but how about a more adult "kid". Indeed, in the first years of life, babies grow and develop very quickly :)

Thank you for your attention!
Article based on information from


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