Eco Driving: a review tool for evaluating driver behavior

the Concept of Eco Driving appeared more than 10 years ago, and it has nothing to do with environmental protection. But closely connected with the protection of themselves and others drivers, costs for depreciation and quality of transportation.

When the car is used for personal purposes and belong to the driver, the choice for him: to hurry, to drown, to turn corners by skidding and not be afraid to catch the hood of traveling ahead of Matiz.

And if you are the owner of a large fleet, under your responsibility are dozens of trucks and tons of valuable cargo? This is where Eco Driving. You can ask your employees carrying Chinese porcelain, not sharply slow down and carefully enter the turns. But not the fact that those you listen to. But check who to blame for the fact that upon delivery the cargo was damaged, and the suspension is broken, is possible.



Our Eco Driving solution

Our company has developed a tool to assess driver behavior with the logical name "Eco Driving". With this application the operator can see an objective evaluation of the quality of accountable driving a vehicle as a separate trip and the total time. Eco Driving also allows you to view General data about the driving style of all fleet units. The app is available for all customers working with vehicle monitoring system Wialon.

An estimation algorithm for driving is based on data from the telematics device. The basis of calculation of the fall indicators Overspeed, abrupt acceleration, braking and turning, and also takes into account arbitrary violation: for analysis you can use the values of any sensors to add to the evaluation of the quality of random parameters driving violations. For each object you can set a system of fines.

Assessment of driver's behavior is the sum of penalty points. The lower the score, the flawless was driving. Scores are set per ride, and are then summed or averaged depending on the time or distance. You can increase the size of penalty points for a specific type of violation, in the specific circumstances (e.g. sudden braking when the load sensor on the axle).


what affects the quality of driving?

The key to quality is driving a relaxed and balanced riding. Calm does not mean slow. We are talking about the optimal energy management of a vehicle, as well as on the reduction of excessive braking and acceleration.

In the process of creating the app Eco Driving we asked the logical question: what affects the quality of driving? And that it (money) corrupts? After interviewing several real customers, we have identified the following items for which to strive while driving:
  • cargo safety;
  • the
  • safety;
  • the
  • fuel economy;
  • the
  • reduced wear of the car.


cargo Safety

Aggressive driving (particularly rapid acceleration and braking) affect not only the condition of the car, but all that is in it. And this: the driver, passengers, cargo, etc.

So, in the case of sudden acceleration, especially in the corner, the force of inertia causes the load to move synchronously with the car, causing the goods can arrive at their destination damaged. And if the cargo is expensive, its accurate delivery is the main criterion of quality driving.

In our application all of sudden and extreme acceleration and deceleration can be displayed in the following form:


traffic Safety

Safe driving (particularly accidents) is also one of the main criteria to analyze the quality of driving since the accident but the driver is still responsible and his employer. After all, when a serious accident car for a long time drops out of the workflow, and about the goods in this case, most likely, may have already forgotten: it will not be delivered on time, presentation is lost, and the product itself generally will not be suitable for further use.
To cause an accident, you can not only braking, but also creating a situation where you lose the grip of the wheels with the road surface. The reason for this can be a sharp acceleration, and sharp turns. And that's how we visualized this moment in our app:

Of course, the value of many indicators can also depend on the time of year, and the quality of the road surface, and the quality of the rubber and the degree of pumping of wheels, so to blame only the behavior of the driver while driving is forbidden. The only thing we can do is to draw a General conclusion: the more the driver brakes, the worse it is for the safety of the vehicle and cargo. And in order to perform, in our application, you can build a report quantity of applications, for example for 2 weeks:

If you correctly configure the GPS tracker in the car, it reports the app Eco Driving will also help to understand what was happening to the car during an accident or what preceded it.

As a measure of driving safety, you can use "smooth motion" of the driver, comparing the amount of sharp braking and acceleration and the "Scorcher" and "ideal" drivers for two weeks.

And, if necessary, we can obtain a clear and detailed proof in the following form:

According to studies, in excess of the average speed by 1 km/h the accident risk increases by 10-15%. And in excess of the average flow rate for 10 or more km/h – the number of accidents begins to rise sharply in urban areas. For country roads, the increase in the number of accidents is not so critical, but also has a place.

A vehicle monitoring system Wialon in conjunction with the Eco Driving app allows you to accurately determine how many times and how much the driver has violated the speed:

And to see all violations on the map and statistics of violations on trips private vehicle:


fuel Economy

The first step to fuel economy is the use of the advantages of inertial motion of the vehicle and reducing the total number of brake applications, not forgetting, of course, about safety. About the possibility of displaying and analyzing the amount of braking and acceleration, as already described above. However, note that the report can be build separately as travel and respectively, to compare the number of braking, taking into account the duration of the whole trip, and distance traveled. In Eco Driving, it looks like this:

Or here in more detail:

All experienced drivers know, in terms of fuel economy, if need braking, you should brake with your engine, because it is more effective braking when coasting. Also when coasting in times of reduced traffic safety. Check out these facts (braking is performed by the engine or coasting), using data from the GPS controller is not yet possible, but it'd definitely be interesting and useful (hint to manufacturers).

An important contribution to the fuel consumption makes even use of the engine revving. It is easy to see on the high-speed characteristics of the motors:

Although the power of the engine and increases with revs, the torque decreases and increases specific fuel consumption. Thus, it is very important to control the right gear, time to switch and not to exceed the optimal engine speed. If the GPS tracker is configured so that it can transmit data on a transmission car rides, it will be easy to set the required report. For a basis we can take the empirical rule taught in driving schools: a transaction number must be equal to the rounded integer part of dividing the current speed by 10 km/h (i.e. when the current speed of 32 km/h – the car should move in 3rd gear).
However, in most cases, GPS trackers, such information is not available, but, as an alternative method, you can analyze the same value of acceleration, while paying attention to the speed. After all accelerate with the same acceleration from 0 to 30km/h is not the same as with 40km/h to 70km/h, even at the same time. So, for example, we can see acceleration of more than 0.3 g at different ranges of speed.

Ranges of speed and acceleration values you can configure any: for different types of cars, transported cargo, engine, etc.


Reducing wear car

I think it is obvious that the frequent sequences: "gas-brake-gas" significantly increase wear on the clutch systems with a sharp acceleration and braking system under heavy braking. And as shown above, it is also possible to record and to perform.

A separate item should the engine Overspeed, because it is the same factor of deterioration of resources of the car, as the wasteful use of fuel. To monitor, you can analyze data from the engine speed sender, connect to OBD II or CAN-bus of the vehicle, by setting the relevant parameters (such as sensors) the boundaries of the optimum speed and the corresponding penalty points for violations.

Given the above flexibility, Eco Driving (specifying the amount of the fine for any threshold of any criterion and to choose the method of averaging estimates), depending on the workflow and needs of the end customer can customize the system for evaluating the quality of driving virtually any task. Accordingly, this tool can be used in various fields, from taxi services to the transport of dangerous goods.

If you have any questions on the functionality, technical implementation decisions, etc., ask in the comments – I will try to answer in detail.
Article based on information from


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