Google will show in search results, advertising of competitors: the results of the antitrust investigation, EU

Every major technological (and not only technological), the Corporation sooner or later becomes the object of monitoring by the Antimonopoly committees and bodies. It happens in many countries and regions, including EU, USA, Asia.

As for Europe, the European regulators began an antitrust investigation concerning the "Corporation of good" in 2010. Since then, the European legislators have found many violations by Google, including, display advertising Corporation on the search results page.

According to some companies, Google its service Google Shopping "covers the air" for many companies that are not associated with this service... In General some of the companies that sell different kinds of goods, really do not like the fact that in various services of the Corporation, including the search demonstrates this kind of advertising.

And users who are looking for some things and services to the Internet, seeing ads in the most profitable areas of search results (and other companies), click on advertising banners instead of the search results.

Now Microsoft will have, first, to allocate advertising positions, more noticeable than before. In addition, the "advertising issue" will now be on display and products from competitors, identified as "alternative". Yet it is unclear how these products will be made in the advertising network of the company, but will have to do it.

Otherwise, the company will have to pay a fine in the amount of $ 5 billion. And to monitor compliance with all agreements, on the part of Google, will be formed the special Committee.

Via theverge
Article based on information from


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