GPS trackers are the eyes of the system administrator

look through Habr, I haven't found many articles about GPS trackers. One article tells about the types of protocols, someone describes the device tracker from the "electronic" point of view, while others simply advertise a particular manufacturer. In this article I want to describe some of the models with whom I have worked.

I will Express only its point of view, and to judge the trackers according to the following criteria:
— the availability of manuals and firmware;
— the adequacy of technical support;
— easy and flexible configuration;
— % of marriage and total reliability;

I can't say anything about the price and the representation in different countries, only the bare technical facts. Vision eyes system administrator, whose responsibilities include firmware, configuration, monitoring and error correction.

As far as I remember, it is the first manufacturer with the trackers I have encountered, and still consider them one of the most reliable. Company from Taiwan. Know offices that sell trackers from Wonde Proud a under their own labels, which again speaks to the high quality of the products.

For two years, only a couple of times faced with the fact that the device has failed. Not helped reconfigure flashing. On the hardware level (which component has failed), we do not provide repair, specialist of this level is not, and the hands themselves do not grow to the point.

No own Configurator, configured in two ways:

  • with the help of SMS commands;
  • the
  • with telnet'a (hyperterminal, pytty);

The manual is clear and very detailed. For minimum configuration, it is sufficient to send the two teams:


Very pleased with the two models: VT-10, tracker for concealed installation M7.

VT-10 photo

M7 photo

Tracker VT-10 sometimes freezes. This happens very rarely, but still. Treated by banal reboot:


Because of what is happening, to find out and failed. It's not the firmware, not the settings. Obviously, some external factors. M7 is also a very decent piece of hardware, the type of installation and the capacity of the battery (very powerful magnet with a force of 12 kg, 5200 mAh capacity protection IP67), counterparts don't know.

And these guys from Russia. We have our own manufacture, produce themselves, GPS trackers, accessories, and fuel level sensors (Fuel Level Sensor).

All the information is on the website: the driver for the device, user guide and Configurator.
To configure the device in two ways:

  • to Set in a personal account and send the tracker SMS confirmation;
  • the
  • to connect the device to the computer and set up in the Configurator;

Arnavi photos

Flashed the device via USB, or remotely through a personal account and SMS confirmation.

Settings in the personal Cabinet

Desktop Configurator

Pretty reliable trackers with external antennas. In the shipment of 100 pieces across defective antenna.
Technical support works well, quick to answer queries.

Lithuanian company with very good support. Respond quickly, answer. Have one of the best information resource documentation, firmware, configurators and other material.
Very easy to use, intuitive Configurator. Everything is simple, everything is close, nothing more.

Configurator Ruptela

Ruptela PRO 3 photo

Ruptela ECO 4 pics

Lithuanian company. Produces a wide range of models.

FM 1202

GH 4000

There are separate programs for firmware and configuration.



Russian company. Only 2-3 times has set up a trackers from this manufacturer. Pleased convenient and intuitive Configurator.

Confgurator GalileoSky

the ELSE
In a few cases we encountered manufacturers: Meitrack, Queclink, etc. unfortunately, with them tightly didn't work, nothing in fact can not say.

I hope this information is useful. Can write in more detail about the firmware and configuration of the individual models.

Thank you for your attention.
Article based on information from


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