I have done business with a turnover of 6 million on development, not investing a dime

In mid-2014, I quit employment and started to develop her own business consulting and software development. Until the end of 2014, I worked alone. Sometimes autsorser small projects for friends, where the risk was minimal.
/ > For six months I managed to earn more than working “on the uncle”. But this had a lot to work hard. It is understood that this activity is bad massturbate and I started to look for people.


Everyone wants the business, but nobody wants to take risks

Year ago I wrote a post in which he wrote that are looking for partners who could develop the business together with me. Looking for people who share my values (more on this below) and want to develop as a business.
During the week there were 500 hits on the blog and still do not know how many via RSS and only received 3 (three) responses. It surprised most. Habré and forums constantly all the writing that don't want to work “uncle”, I want their job, etc.
In practice it turned out that they were ready to risk much less. No one wants to leave their comfort zone.



Below is the list of what I hold myself and require all partners and staff.


It-schnick not always share this view. They have a “we” and “they” and if “they” win, “we” will lose. Because of this, there is no trust between it people and clients.

I always say: “there is No way, who the client wants a strange. It so happens that you don't understand something”. It would seem just to understand the problem, manage the risk of the customer, and your credibility will increase. This means that you'll have a long work with a client and earn enough money, but still you to recommend begin.
But not all can.


Professional pay money for a solution. Not because he hurt a lot of unnecessary questions, not because he begins to shift the problem to the client, not for the fact that “I was working, but not shmogla”.

In my command, all people understand. “Understand” is not a state but a process. Even if the area is completely new, find books, video tutorials, asking questions, poking around the source code. Do what you want, but the problem is solved.
The reverse side of professionalism – responsibility for what you do. If I messed up – fix it. Even if you do not understand the client – this is your fault.

Good customer is a satisfied customer

The client can benefit from your work, but not to satisfaction. It happens more often than you think. It schnick work with computers, and the computers do not experience emotions. Many start with clients to communicate with computers.

I have so impossible. With the client need to speak the client's language, not to argue, not to be arrogant not to consider themselves stupid. If the client is nervous, call, find out that does not suit. Can't remove the cause – find a workaround that will satisfy everyone.


business Development

I found three people who started working with me. Further, they found several people and we were able to “eat” several major projects. The team is 7 people, all working part time. Two of them — the key partners who find the projects, sell projects and manage them.
Projects have become smaller, but their number increased. It became more difficult to sell consulting and training.
Revenue for the year amounted to 6.5 million rubles, and in December was record – more than 2 million Business has grown 4 times a year and it is in crisis.

I have not spent a single penny on advertising. Sell through personal contacts, recommendations of friends and partners (companies with whom I previously worked).
On the one hand it demonstrates the power of personal connections, and on the other hand seriously limits the growth of the business. But I'm a lousy marketer. All my knowledge about marketing is limited to marketing course MBA and a couple of books.


At the University I was educated programmer and was very far from business. When I started to develop my business I lacked the knowledge in almost all areas.
Earned money I invested in training and went on to study for a MBA program in ibda Ranhigs.
The MBA prepares managers of large companies and difficult knowledge to apply for a small business. But I sell to large companies and became a much better understanding of the processes that take place there, and where you can create value.
And IBA teaches you to count money. Or, as is more fashionable to say, “manage finances”. Now I think the options in Excel before you make a decision.


Again looking for a partner in a team

At the end of the year, I reviewed the business and realized that you need to invest profits into marketing. I almost no marketing, so I need a partner or even a mentor that will help me to attract new customers.
I'm looking for someone who has experience in Internet marketing and promotion services in b2b, ready to take on a marketing or help draw up a specific plan for attracting customers. Ready to share part of the proceeds from each new customer and further to turn on the founders.
I will also be glad to sellers with a customer base and specialists in Microsoft Dynamics CRM with access to customer.
If you are interested or you know people who might be interested – write to stanislav.v@vnextsoft.ru.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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