Israel invites you to get acquainted with the industry of innovation

Two years ago I published an article on habrahabr "ready... set... up! Hi-tech in Israel: industry start-UPS". Since then much water has flowed, but the main thesis remains relevant to this day: Israel has a lot to learn.

This time we offer to meet with Israel not only in words but in deeds. Project Start-Up Nation (based on the bestseller) invites free to visit Israel as part of a tour of the key places of Israeli industry innovation. A nice bonus: at the end of the tour, the participants will be able to personally present their project (if any) a group of Israeli and international investors.

Start Up Nation

So: 3-14 September 2012, Israel will be visited by a team of specialists in various fields of industry innovations: information technology, biotechnology, business management and innovation management etc. They will be able to look behind the scenes of the Israeli startups in the world through the eyes of the authors of the legendary book "Start-Up Nation".

"In a world seeking the key to innovation, Israel is the only place where you need to look for him. The West needs innovation. Israel produces them," – say the authors of the bestseller "Start-Up Nation" Dan Senor and Saul singer.

11 days – during which time the participants will be able to get acquainted with the leaders of the Israeli startup industry, but also to personally present their project to potential investors.

The organizer of this tour was made by Jewish Agency "Sohnut", the tour operator company Yael Adventures, information, partner, Jewish social platform like jewishnet, partner at Jerusalem Startup Hub.

The project will visit the headquarters of Google in Israel, the international office of the world leader in the field of IT-security Check Point, a Corporation with Better Place, a leader in infrastructure for electric vehicles and a number of other players in the Israeli market innovation.

The participants of the startup tour will hold a business dinner with Knesset member Robert by Filatovym, Chairman of the lobby in support of high technologies in Israel. Also will be organized a series of meetings with leaders of the Israeli start-up companies.

In the first round of the "Taglit Start-Up Nation" will bring together 30 people from the CIS, and also 10 startups from Israel. In order to join the group, registration is required on one of the official pages in social networks Facebook or Vkontakte, and filled questionnaires.

Please note: the first tour sponsored by the neighborhood Jewish organizations and is focused on those who have Jewish roots. If you do not, does not matter, just fill this form and we will contact you at the time of set of the nearest group.

Just in case, I repeat: the tour is completely free and does not pursue any commercial profit. Our goal is to demonstrate to the Israeli model of innovation and potential of the Israeli start-up market.

Article based on information from


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