Kriptopolis: law enforcement authorities on blockchain technology

When bitcoin started to be traded on exchanges and are freely exchanged for Fiat currency, like mushrooms after a rain began to appear cryptocurrency startups. Appeared buzzword "FINTECH" and a scattering of altcoins. Following the trend of smart contracts, the service deals with different types of property. But in the pursuit of money we have forgotten about the true values − justice, law and order, security. But the blockchain allows us to make a breakthrough in these areas! Read below how you can make the world better with the help of a real kriptopolis, and meet the new project in this area.

the Four pillars of the rule of law

Any law-enforcement system that ensures public safety and enforce laws is held by:

1) openness and transparency;
2) engagement with the community;
3) competitive system in the court;
4) compliance with the rules.

Let's look at how we can strengthen these pillars by using the blockchain.

Openness and transparency

It is for this and created the technology to all information about user actions was kept by each participant. The level of trust between participants of the system does not matter, because all the moves are recorded.

Now imagine the police, documenting every action − search, seizure, evidence was found. And imagine that all these actions form the building blocks of the chain.

community involvement

The most important property enforcement is a complete and seamless interaction with citizens. Otherwise, the state becomes totalitarian, where militiamen serve only the ruling elite. If a person commits a minor offence (for example, is drunk on the street, but not touching others), it does not need to hold. And Vice versa − the citizens themselves have to report the offence. Only in such a society the law enforcement system can be considered fair.

In the case of blockchain technology, the individual blocks must form not only the police but all members of society. Statement of offence − a new record, the reaction of the police is another one. Chain length is not limited, there is room to work.

Competitive system in court

Defender and the accused must compete, presenting on each side of evidence, witness testimony and other evidence. Only full equality of parties in the process can guarantee a fair verdict.

Look how perfectly the blockchain to build a perfect equitable judicial system:

1. All blocks have the same status. If added to the chain, then the block corresponds to the inner rules of the system.

2. The unit cannot be changed. No one will falsify evidence.

3. The unit cannot be removed from chain. And it was due to bribery of witnesses,
subsequently withdrawing their testimony, organized crime has always managed to get out unscathed.

compliance with the rules of the system members

The majority of the members of the company must comply with the laws. Crime is going beyond that failure, a rare event. Even in the criminal community has its own rules, and the majority of members strictly follow them. Otherwise, society needs to revise its laws or to be reorganized.

Here we will not the technology, the blockchain, and its derivative is smart contracts. The cold mathematical formula that triggers certain processes. The complete victory of the objective over the subjective. If the rights of one party and the other guaranteed obligations smart contract system will work without failures.

the First project, managed to realize in practice the idea of captopril

To implement the above principles managed in the system However, they are not yet threatened on the creation of virtual police, and took up the fight against counterfeiting and piracy on the Internet. But what they have managed to create is amazing.

How it works

The project enables copyright holders to engage any number of users to search for counterfeit goods and stolen content. Using the internal crypto STFcoins, applicants can pay the contractors working on the condition of anonymity.

The holder buys the right amount of tokens and submits them to your account in the system. He then forms application, a detailed description of what to look for and document. Applications available service providers according to certain parameters, for example, by geographical location or a confirmed level of qualification. The executor can be any Internet user having the ability to search sites with pirated content sites offering counterfeit goods.

The work of the contractor is completely anonymous. A person takes a convenient, for themselves, request and goes in search of. Results it documents − shoots video or takes pictures.
The collected information gets into the system and recorded in the blockchain. To remove or change the evidence of the offence is impossible.

Remuneration of the contractor is guaranteed a smart contract. Once the rights holder has applied, the tokens in his account frozen. If you come in the required information, these funds are immediately transferred to the executor who gave it. The system takes a portion of this amount, as Commission for services.

Right holders have been given the opportunity to quickly and cheaply detect all violations of its intellectual property rights. And law-abiding consumers can now receive a reward of cryptocurrency for their honesty.

Elimination of violations

In developed legal systems, the fight against piracy on the Internet is almost entirely automated. For example, in the USA the law Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). It allows copyright holders to send the application to search engines and service providers, with the requirement to block the stolen content. The biggest problem right holders in the US was the search of violations. Using StopTheFakes can greatly facilitate this task. Moreover, the service takes over and functions to automate the elimination of violations.

Website-the offender will immediately receive a letter with a demand to remove content posted illegally. If this does not work, be prepared for a lock in accordance with the requirements of the DMCA. Search engines, hosting providers, domain registrars, unlike the pirates, working in the area of law and governed by the laws and regulations.

Offline, traditionally, lags behind digital technology. But the ground point, unlike the website on the Internet, can't easily and quickly change the address. The majority of offenders will go to settlement agreement and abandon the sale of counterfeit goods, if the owner will address them with a motivated claim. And the service will provide not only information, but also will provide legal support.

Prototype digital law enforcement

The existing functionality of the system it is possible to use not only for the fight against counterfeiting, but also to confront other types of crime. For example, the police can issue a request for the search of criminals. Or to use the system for reports of street crimes, from traffic violations to petty theft and extortion.

The system provides the main thing − reliable fixing and saving photos and videos. It gives a good feedback channel in the form of remuneration for the information provided. If you now state budgets allocate significant funds for the maintenance of a large staff of investigators and operatives, then why in the near future to work with the community directly?
Now we can change the world through technology. And reform need not only the financial system, but also other important social institutions.
Article based on information from


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