My first experience in developing 2D games (5 tips)

Want to share a little experience that I have gained while creating his first game for Andriod. I have to say, at the beginning of the development of my programming experience was average (1S and some C#) and experience in game-virgin — zero. As a development tool was chosen Unity3D 4.6 attracted multiplatform and the presence of a large number of video lessons. Because I grew up on the games of the 80's, it was decided to try to make a remake of the cult game Prehistorik 2, the result is a 2D arcade game called Prehistoric Story. Everything had started as a hobby and then grew into a large project, through which many people got valuable experience and practical skills. Next will be 5 valuable tips based on my personal experience.


tip # 1: Carefully select a tool for designing

Unity is good for beginners — simple, convenient and done in a couple of clicks, but the APK files will be huge! Plus, the free version has many limitations, e.g., no dynamic loading of scenes. In this case, I had to limit the display of static images.


tip # 2: the Artist must be one with good payment and clear time -

Given that I draw don't know how, I had to ask for help to the artists and enthusiasts at one of the known art forum. Money to pay for the work of artists I was not, and material for rendering was a lot for one person, so paint took 9 people. Someone has drawn a few animals, and some several locations, and I, in turn, it was necessary to keep everyone within a single design. All this work is the lack of budget took about 6 months.



tip # 3: Never cut Your game at the design stage

When I started to design my game, got rid of the ability to destroy opponents, considering it is difficult to develop. Later, when I was already acquired and placed about a dozen levels, I wanted to implement this feature, but it would have to rewrite the whole engine of the character and re-arrange the levels in consideration of this opportunity. In the end, for a change we have added the ability to fly a hang glider in some levels.



tip # 4: Use sprite animation and great texture only in the most extreme cases

At the beginning of the animation of the sprites seemed a great solution, but exactly to the optimization step. For some animals used a series of sprites at 4096px, which greatly affected the size of the game. If I'd known in time about the animation of body parts, the game size could be halved. Also, the size was significantly affected by the variety of surface textures, of which there were many, of different sizes and types.



tip # 5: Learn all the subtleties of the publication and prepare the materials for advertising the game advance

On the day of publication, I found that to place apps in Google Play with size over 50 MB cannot. It is necessary to compile the application with the division into 2 files: the apk and the obb cache file. Plus it was necessary to sign the application key, which is available in Google Play Developer Console. Further, it was necessary to prepare the screenshots and game description, which believe me, takes a lot of time.


Total for the development of the game was spent 0 rubles 9 months of slow development and a little bit of nerves when you publish, but I got valuable experience in game development and meet interesting and creative people. I really hope that my new hobby ever grow into a profitable business.
Article based on information from


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