PR on Habrahabr. Stats, expectations, reality, and surprises

23 June, I wrote in "I PR" article of the unexpected brainchild of a small group of programmers — another alternative quotations. A month has passed and it is already possible to draw some conclusions, which I think will be quite useful for those who want to sell themselves through Habr and interesting to those who is going to do sometime PR.

Expectations and reality

The main stream of visitors went, of course, the day of lent — 23rd. The following day visitors were already a lot less, and after 4 days the flow of new visitors with Habra practically disappeared. With Habra it's only about 3,000 visitors, of which there periodically to visit the resource about 150, i.e., only 5%. Of them registered on the site — 46 people, with 8 people via Facebook, 10 via Google, 2 facebook, 2 twitter, 2 you yandex. The remaining 22 were registered in the usual way. that is, more than 50% of registered users made it through OAuth. Which once again underlines the importance of this mechanism. Yes, using classmates and mailru — did not go any.
Here was the first surprise — I was expecting more response and greater percent increase of regular users. But if the response — he is what he is, the second number can be a bit to analyze.
Before the rally I have installed on all pages of site meter openstat-a. Why openstat? Uneasy. Yes, I am aware of the opinion that it is not the most convenient tool for web Analytics, and I'm not going to argue. Just with him I had some experience, and I decided to take advantage of what is familiar.


As can be seen, the percentage of waivers was very high. Moreover, the percentage of failures in first day of action was much above average. In fact, 3/4 of new visitors the site is closed, throwing him a glance. Why?
I see only one answer — design. The article, which was go to the site honestly and in detail explained to the user where it goes. The user consciously and voluntarily went to the website, but then it was closed. To see the functionality of the site in 10 seconds is unrealistic, so the user just "liked." And this is about the new design. Probably, many will simply chuckle to what they consider to be truism, but for me — a hardcore coder — this really was a revelation. the Main objective of design is to keep the user in those first seconds, when it is about the website do not yet know the Convenience and functionality of design, quality of content and the rest later.
Further — the most interesting reports. As I researched the relationship of various parameters with the number of failures in all reports it appears this figure.

Screen resolution.

I drew two surprise:
First, the leading position confidently broke wide 1920x1080. For me, with my 1280x1024, it was a surprise. (Remember, I'm a coder and not a designer).


Chrome in the first place didn't surprise me. But a definite dislike of website users Opera very surprised, and even a little hurt by my failure. Having spent a lot of time on cross-browser compatibility design and often spomina a bad word that is Opera, to such black ingratitude from its users... for what? No, your site's design under the Opera all right — checked and verified constantly. Don't understand.
Surprised by the presence among the visitors as many as five users of IE6. Fu on them! I can't even imagine how under the sixth donkey looks like our website — the cap is not raised, believing that the real users of IE6 can not be found.


The bounce rate for smartphones in General is above average, which is not surprising. But especially the site is not pleasant to owners of the Samsung. One of Samsung — tell me, please, is this a valid claim or something as subtle and elusive as in the previous paragraph?

Operating systems.

I expected and anticipated variation between failures on Windows and other systems, But I figured that he would be stronger — in my opinion, Linux users of the website had to like, much less than Windows users, but W not.


And finally — a record for the percentage of failures were two of the capital (and where was the main stream). I guess it is also about the new design. The pace of life in the capital is much higher, and spending precious time to study the site, which is not liked at first sight, few. By the way, in vain. Of those ~700 people who left the website in the first 10 seconds. remained regular users ~150, i.e. 21%, and this is a very high percentage.

This Analytics all. Other reports seemed to me not worthy of special attention, or is strongly dependent on the structure of the website and uninteresting to anyone but developers.


Strongly recommend this item to read for anyone who is going through the PR Habr the Term of this arose during the discussion, the PR of a topic more than once, but each time was a false alarm server successfully kept the increased load, and not to say that it was really so great. The surprise was in the other — he had only to look at the fail2ban logs. Suspicious queries, attempts to guess the password to all services, tapping all ports — rained hail simultaneously with the growth of normal traffic. It became clear periodic reports of unavailability of website — firewall every hour get banned 3-5 subnets. 46 registered "good" user was identified (and removed ban by IP) more than a dozen accounts clearly designed to do something — suspicious iframe in the real name and other profile fields (hypertext markup language tags of them I cut just before the conclusion), with the obvious sql injections and other tit. On the website allow users to upload custom css files. The ability that users have used 3 times, including twice instead of the styles were loaded code to deface (although, to fulfill his attackers failed).
And so on.
This is not laziness of people :)
On the one hand — thanks, of course, for extreme testing.
And with another — it is necessary to warn :) Okay, I'll write you a code for the web write. And will sell themselves how young, naive, and its commercials — a face in the ground. Not good :)
Still wish the PR here recommend the text of the article tearfully ask error to send a PM. And it will be, as I have. Many thanks alexglue for the response, but, after he published a list of vulnerabilities directly in the comments — people rushed to check the list with enthusiasm, really worthy of a better cause :) Okay, there's nothing critical was not.

Deceived expectations

I wasn't expecting a large influx of visitors. But there was considerable hope that among the thousands read the post specialists are some crazy people who want to join our team. At least podstavochki. Alas. Nobody even told you( A designer we would be sooooo useful — Sergey Burlakov, the author of the old and new designs (giving the same on the mountain promised half a year ago) announced that he resigned from the position of the designer. Alas for us, miserable. Will have to learn the wisdom of Photoshop and Illustrator.


The number of times emails from spammers offering prospamit website. One suggested prospamit 2million addresses absolutely nothing. Other letters we anger the shallows, and on this still in hesitation — spam we fiercely hated, but free then...:)
Number two is something ambiguous. What finally made me make all the above (and below) presented to the public. Because, even though it looks magnificent, I feel a catch.
At first it was a letter of offer to "earn." I assumed we are talking about placing virusologii and other BL###coy advertising (Yes, never!) but still engaged in conversation. In which found, in brief, is as follows:
Some OOO "Soft-Integrator" Jur.address, willing to pay money for unique humorous content. 300 rubles for a short form (up to 2tys.characters), 500 for the story and the 1000 for the story with unique photographic material or a video. The content should be selected from not less than X (for each different number) of candidates by open vote in the Internet for not less than a week, must score at least Y unique voices and coefficient "for"/"against" must not be less than Z. the proof I need to provide the voters ' lists IP video, de, will produce a test vote to check his IP in the list. Content authors should be non-anonymous, before participating in the competition must put a tick under the agreement. The money I pay transfer, I'm free to do with them as you please — STE recommends I, OOO, after payment of taxes and release some % to pay their content creators than actually engage them. That's what I think to do, and even a percentage not to take that there, a trifle, but the people that this action may attract no doubt. The contract I signed (luckily he has me to what does not oblige) and we are now working on the code, but some doubts exist.
A lot of neponyatok. I of course, skyping with their Manager named Svetlana, were trying to clarify them, but failed.

Q(I): Why do you need this content?
A(Svetlana): We are going in a short time the subjugation of all the comic sector of the Runet. And so we need (at least initially) quotes, jokes, stories, pictures, etc.
Q: Why is not a well-known website with a dozen visitors, not the same bash — hardly even used they refused a freebie.
A: first, bash (and other pillars of humour in Runet) — our next competitor. We fear nedobrosovetsnogo selection of content again, do not want to promote a competitor or two and, most importantly, three, it is desirable that the content — when you go to the people — was fresh and people unknown.
Q: Terms of agreement I should mention on the website the name of the action "Joke and grow rich", to mention its sponsorship, but I'm not allowed to mention the sponsor. Why?
A: We haven't decided on the brand name, primary domain, etc.
Q: the Terms of the contract I am not allowed to transfer the domain, which is a site that collects the content to another person during the term of the contract. Why?
A: Because. I do not like — do not sign.

The four of us a hundred times re-read the contract, trying to find the catch. Not found. In General, there is only one point on which I can demand — if you later find that content is not unique and not original, that I have to return the received money for it double the size. I.e., before sending the content to the winner for them, I have to make sure that he author. With pictures and video here I foresee problems, therefore, most likely, on them of the contest on our website will not. And with texts-what is the problem in 10 minutes in Google and everything is clear — the author's text or copy-paste. And the requirement is quite clear. So like all chocolate, the work goes on and, approximately a month, we will start to pay the authors of the winning quotes and anecdotes fees :)... but there's doubt. Maybe someone already faced something similar?
p.s. Yes, the Svetlana has asked me if I have friends, holding small sites humorous subjects, where you can tie such voting is to give them to her contacts. If there are such — can you give your contact. At your own risk :)
Article based on information from


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