Python-digest #14. News, interesting projects, articles and interviews [9 Feb 2014 — 16 Feb 2014]

we Continue to highlight the most significant events in the world of python and surrounding technologies over the past week. This time a pair of abstract of articles Ronacher and Biking, one of which has already been translated into habré. Many interesting projects and materials from different fields of interest. In particular, a project to improve the support of PostgreSQL in Django, with excellent progress on kickstarter. Well, a little funny — like this one cookie any very many readers reddit.

/ > Thank you owlman75 for illustration to the issue. I wish you all a productive working week.

Send news for publication in the digest of the here and then they will not be lost.

The next issue will be February 23.


Articles and interviews


Interesting projects, tools, libraries



  • Python 3.3.4
  • the
  • Printer Muraveva 3.2
    A great library for text formatting using the rules, regulations and specifics of the Russian language and screen typography has been updated to version 3.2
  • the
  • Anaconda 1.9
    Released a new version of the popular batch package Manager for scientific, mathematical, engineering, computing and data analysis
  • the
  • PyCharm 3.1.1


Conferences, events, meeting developers

the #10 — March 1, 2014
    Kharkiv Python Community – a community of people who care about the Python programming language.

    the 17-th Moscow Django Meetup
    20th of February, the first in 2014 year and 17-th MoscowDjango Meetup. Unfortunately, not all plans impossible to implement due to the busy schedule of the organizers, however, we still hope to please you with good news and positive changes in the new year.

Article based on information from


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