Released MODx Revolution 2.0.5

After only a few months after release 2.0.4, and also due to the growing number of developers using MODx Revolution we have one of the "stuffed" releases.

Setting of Forms (Form Customization) has been completely rethought and redesigned, that it is much easier to use. In 2.0.5 we have also included templates Access Policies that allow you easier to cope with user privileges.

Here main changes in Revolution 2.0.5:
— More than 175 fixes!
— Reworked the forms of
— New templates access policies
More robust code for multiple contexts and bootloader configuration files.
— Lots of improvements and bug fixes xPDO
— Many UI changes, such as improved resource tree, more options phpthumb-and-improved drag&drop
— Fixed issues with APC, WinCache, eAccelerator and other caching systems
— Increased security measures against XSS, added additional verification of data transmission.
— Fixed problem with TV radio parameters resourcelist TV and other rare conflicts in the work of the TV parameters.

We would not be able to make a surround release without your bug reports and questions about new possibilities, no suggestions for improvement and proposed updates to language files. Please continue to help to make MODx Revolution is better. — add to favorites and use as a bowl!

Revolution gets better with each release, so download it now to try or update an existing installation!

Please note!
— If you use the configuration forms (Form Customization)
Or you have your access policy
— Or use the configuration key extension_packages

You must read instructions for switching to Revolution 2.0.5 before installing the updates. If your website was created by someone else — it would be nice if they read this guide before upgrading.

Download MODx Revolution 2.0.5-pl2
Read the documentation
Read installation instructions or update
installation Requirements

As always, please tell us about bugs and suggestions. Also call on to learn English read the documentation and often writing forum and support the developers!

the original on the MODx forum, there is a list of fixes. The parser for some reason did not like the link.
Article based on information from


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