The right social share button

Social networks increasingly permeate our life today the availability of the site or group in social networks is the norm rather than the exception, and many users Vkontakte use your feed as a news aggregator with interest to their sites. The most simple and probably effective way to attract traffic from social networks is the location of the share buttons on the website pages. In this article, some arguments about the problems of such buttons and trying to find the perfect solution.



This is the most obvious issue: social networking a lot, each with its own design share-block. Individually, they look quite decent, but during the installation all together is a complete mess. What to do with it? First, you can just leave one or two social networks, it will not look so bad. Second, you can use the normal icons with share-link. Unfortunately, in the first case, go to the forest users "minor" social networks and the second is not visible puzomerok — the number of likes and tweets.



At the time of fast Internet less we have to think about optimizing the loading speed of the website. However, every year a growing number of mobile Internet users, which can not yet boast of high speeds. But social buttons can significantly slow loading site. Interesting fact: in 2007 Amazon announced that every extra 100 MS when loading website can reduce sales by 1%. And Google with 2010 considers download speed when ranking sites in search results. And I want any set of native buttons?


What to do?

Fortunately, there are many services by which you can install on your website one button "Share", integrating all relevant social networking services. The most popular in Runet such tool is the a block of "Share" of Yandex. And it's really good: neat icons, concise code and even the availability of API for developers. But as always, want something more. For myself, I've identified what the criteria for the perfect service, social buttons:

  • the Presence of Russian social networks
  • the
  • Fast and flexible customization block
  • the
  • Counter, summing clicking on the icons of all services
  • the
  • Ability to send the page to Evernote, mail, bookmark, and print.
  • the
  • Reliability

PLUSO — young service, which satisfies all the above requirements, here's what buttons it allows you to do more than 300 variations:

What social buttons do you use?
Article based on information from


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