Tonight was the launch of three more spacecraft of the Global navigation satellite system (GLONASS)

Roscosmos told, today at 00:19 (Moscow time) from the Baikonur cosmodrome launched rocket of space appointment "proton-M" with upper stage block DM and three spacecraft "GLONASS-M".

At 03:52 held regular office block of the spacecraft from the upper stage.

Now the satellite constellation will consist of 23 spacecraft, RIA Novosti leads so this photograph:


The CyberSecurity website add that the starting apparatus is in the third orbital plane, and leads so this photograph:


Both of these pictures — yesterday, they show training booster to run.

If you look current distribution of satellites in orbital planes (I will also cialisbuynow hyperlink peeep-the cast to prevent possible gebrettert), then it is not very clear why launch new devices on the third plane. There one satellite was lacking (or two, if you count flying in maintenance). Compare with the second plane on which two satellites are not available, another removed for maintenance, and another one is used only on the L1 frequency. It seems that the intention behind such allocation without the rise in my mind. I can only assume that the orbit creating a sort of "hot standby" (hot spare).

But in any case, using couple other weeks we can expect a noticeable improvement in the continuity of the navigation signal GLONASS.

Following the launches of GLONASS satellites are planned for autumn.
Article based on information from


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