Two days before the International Space Apps Challenge

Until the next international hackathon International Space Apps Challenge, which will be held on 12 and 13 April in less than 2 days!.. This year's Space Apps will be held simultaneously in 97 cities, in 47 countries on 6 continents. In Russia, the official venues are Ivanovo and Saint Petersburg
Under the cut description of the upcoming event and a little story about the previous space apps.

International Space Apps Challenge

International Space Apps Challenge is a 48 hour hackathon, bringing together professionals from different fields such as scientists, designers, engineers, programmers and students to develop solutions to global challenges proposed by NASA and their partners.
The event combines the principles of openness, voluntary participation and cooperation, using the available data and technology supplied by NASA, talent, and skill of volunteers from all over the planet to advance space exploration and improve the quality of life both on Earth and outside it.
Using open data and APIs available in 5 directions to solve more than 40 global tasks aimed at improving the life of mankind on earth and outside it. (Part of the assignments by students is translated into — Russian language, the truth still more translations waiting for his editing and uploading)

  • Earth Observation;
  • the
  • Technology in space;
  • the
  • space Flight;
  • the
  • Robotics;
  • the
  • Asteroids.

This year, the date coincided with the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. Around the world will be Yuri's Night and probably one of the best ways to celebrate this holiday is to come to Space Apps, or to participate remotely (if you live far away from St. Petersburg or Ivanovo) and to show that we have much to be proud of not only in the past but in the present.
On behalf of the organizers of the local events we invite all interested (and I encourage especially students) to come and participate. It's enough to be registered, specify one of the venues and choose the most interesting topic for you. It is worth noting that St. Petersburg Space Apps will kick off with the evening on the 11th, and Ivanovo on April 12 in the morning.

International Space Apps Challenge in Ivanovo

In Ivanovo the event is held on the database — Institute of management, Finance and information systems Ivanovo state University of chemistry and technology. As the official partner stands firm .

This year it is expected a large number of participants, it is the team from various universities: high quality, Energy University, IVGU, participants from YSU, teams and team members Akvelon Akvelon and Yaroslavl team of the. and participants from other universities and organizations.
Judging by the results of the preliminary planning activities, the main focus for Space Apps in Ivanovo will be robotics, although there are absolutely no restrictions to the choice of direction.

Last year on the basis of high quality, has conducted the event, which briefly told. But to attract attention and dilute dry text, leaving a couple photos.

For doubters to participate or not to participate (especially students) want to say that the last event was very interesting and useful, and sometimes very funny. So once again urge everyone to come and participate, get new, and sometimes invaluable experience, and shock work to celebrate the day of Astronautics.
In conclusion, I would like to Express my gratitude to all those who expressed their desire (and those who signed up, the special thanks) to participate in the event and try to make our world a better place.

Detailed information about the places available on their pages:
Saint Petersburg
Article based on information from


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