Unexpected falling under the adult filter Yandex — winning lost positions (response code 404)!

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!

No quarter five years ago I have created a project the Camping.Ru dedicated to the automobile travel and automobile tourism. For nearly 5 years, the resource matured, became recognizable on the Internet and has occupied leading positions in search systems on thematic search queries such as "Autotravel Europe", "tourism", "to Greece by car" and many other things. Now I want to focus only on substation "Yandex" — the main source of quality search traffic for the Tourist.Ru.

So, the screenshot below shows the dynamics of growth in search traffic with Yandex over the last 2 years:

In fact, as can be seen from the statistics, the traffic from Yandex is rapidly growing and increasing from year to year. Yay! Some turned out to be illusory stability is present. But... Yes, illusory as well, I never thought I do not guess that a high quality website 100% responsive theme and needs of visitors can be arrested and put under filter Yandex! And, as the title of this topic, under the ADULT FILTER, that is rated as adult site. -) But I realized it immediately. So, what happened.

One of the lovely the time (two weeks ago) I see this "black square":

The abundant hair on my head moved in frenzy, "What is it"? Write support webmasters Yandex, like, what happened? Plato said that in my resource imposed the "adult filter" due on site "advertisement for adults". "Hmm-m, I think! Well, here zhezh girls dancing!". From advertising, which is broadcasted on the Camping.Ru I have:

— periodic is direct advertisers;
advertising in the Yandex Advertising Network;
advertising Google AdSense.

I also have hung trofimoviene widgets MarketGid, RedTram and Novostimira. Subjects turn off news widgets: news, tourism, traffic rules, cooking. Think, "Surely because of tserak"? Removed them. Then I remember one interesting fact. Some time ago the site underwent some semblance of XSS attacks when a site is "flooded" topics with advertising of sexual services (a La "Putana.CL"). With the "hole" enabling massively with the help of the script to fill the database of this stuff caught and fixed, topics, respectively, are rubbed, but!.. Remember that often as search queries that people entered on the Tourist.Ru, were such, as: "independents St. Petersburg", "the best prostitutes Krasnodar" and other. What is it? Yes tags! Each topic was "Naroden" a bunch of spam tags, which I just didn't pay enough attention. TRU tags through the database, again I write in support of Yandex, saying "And is this not just rather a cause overlay to the site's adult filter?". The answer is something like this: "No, not the content — the reason, namely advertising." Google until you're blue in the theme "what is the adult filter and how to withdraw from under it the website". Find bunch of info that aforesaid filter is often applied for the same Yan (!!!). That is, if You are a platform otkrytivaya blocks of Yandex.Direkt You have in the platform settings are not set, prohibiting otkrytku "advertisement for adults" (here I was surprised that default'have this setting was enabled, though, in my opinion, it would make more sense if by default it would be turned off), then Your website may fall under the appropriate filter for their own advertising! Put a checkbox in Yan, AdSense, tserki off, tags are 90% cleaned. Times AP two AP three AP...

(Google traffic dropped, most likely when played with the closing of the pages with the tags in robots.txt).
But there are such tags, which occupy a good position in the PS and as high-frequency queries, and as NCH, for example: "car in Greece". I think that close all tags from indexation is not the best solution because, really, the majority of traffic will lose for nothing. Opinion on account of the concept of "close tags" or "close tags" from indexing, according to my research, different. But still, "prickly" and close all do not want. And here is one very respected in the Russian market of SEO-services man, my friend, opens my eyes to the next; in view of the characteristics of the engine tags that are physically purged from the database, however, displays in this way.

And it was a simple: response code of the page was "200" and not "404". Accordingly, my site is very nice "pump" for intimate needs and, even I remove all tags from the DB, the PS anyway see this page as it is there and index it. Today in the server settings, changed the settings, the response code is 404. Temporarily closed all tags from indexing by Yandex bot robots.txt to speed up the reindexing of the content of the site. Now waiting for recovery of the lost positions.

Hope I did everything correctly (if not, would be VERY GLAD to comments, what actions to take to normalize the situation with the issuance of Yandex) and that, perhaps, my negative experience to someone Yes will be useful. I mean, "ate" himself — share with a friend-) all Good working week!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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