Yandex surpassed Microsoft in the global search

Microsoft lost to the Yandex fourth place in the world search by number of search queries. According to ComScore statistics, Microsoft has moved into fifth place, behind the search engine from Russia. In Microsoft we are talking not only about the search engine Bing. The statistics include also other websites and services such as, Windows Live, etc. In the same Yandex take into account not only search, but also other services such as maps, traffic, cars, etc., the First three looks similar. It's Google, Baidu and Yahoo!

For the first time this information became known in November, when Yandex processed 4.62 billion search queries, while Microsoft has processed 4,48 billion search queries. But this meant that every company has a share of 2.6% of the total world search. Yandex continued to increase their advantage and in December the numbers were as follows: Yandex treated of 4.84 billion queries(2.8 percent) and Microsoft 4.48 billion requests(2,5%).

For comparison, Google remains the leader with 114,73 billion requests processed in the same month, with a market share of search at 65.2%. Next followed by Baidu with 14.5 billion queries(8.2 per cent). In third place is Yahoo! c 8.63 billion (4.9 percent). Despite the fact that Yahoo search is working on the engine a Bing, ComScore consider Yahoo! and sites Microsoft separately.

Interesting fact that the number of unique visitors to the sites of Microsoft in December amounted to 268 million, and Yandex have used only 74,4 million "uniques". Everything here is due to linguistic reasons. In English-speaking countries users can use other search engines other than Google, for example. With Yandex the situation is that he is the leader of the Russian segment(more than 60% in Russia) and people use it quite intensively.

We can only congratulate Yandex and wish to maintain the momentum in achieving their goals. And there look and Yahoo! behind!

UPD: [Istochnik]
Article based on information from


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