"Crouching auto, hidden piano", or probability theory in action

've always wanted to participate in some small but interesting web experiment, is tied to full-screen interactive video stream, and now happened: got a client ready to sponsor.

So we started to do http://carvspiano.ru — project length of only a week, but with a bold intention to check the Butterfly Effect in action.

— Beautiful black machine — 1 PC.
— No less beautiful piano black — 1 PC.
— Camcorder — 3 PCs.
Projector — 1 PCs.
— Power Mac G5, to which it is connected — 1 PC.
— Rope mounts — 9 PCs.
— The conditions under which the rope drop — 12 pairs,
Venue of the Internet and a relatively high ceiling — 1 PC.
— "Probability theory and mathematical statistics" (textbook Kremer) — 1 PC.

— Find out how many terms of the 12 play
— To understand, will drop a Grand piano on the car for the allotted 6 days (Monday to Saturday).

All conditions — check. We check them twice a day at 11:00 and 17:00.

currently has the following happened:

1. Monday morning. If the coin thrown in front of the camera, tails, cut the rope.
Result: landed on tails, not cut.

2. Monday evening. If you likes this video at the time of inspection to be even, cut the rope.
The result: an even cut.

3. Tuesday morning. If the tube at the time of inspection will be greater than 6 points (according to the Yandex.Plugs), cut the rope.
Result: tube was 7 points, cut.

4. Tuesday evening. If the number of messages in Twitter with the word "Royal" in the last hour at the time of inspection will even cut the rope.
Result: there were 26 tweets, cut.

5. Wednesday morning. (this one we all love) If Barcelona reach the final, cut the rope.
The result Left Chelsea, not cut.

At the moment 3 rope shot off left-6.
We don't know how many of them must remain so, the piano fell. In addition, when shooting each rope, creates additional tension cover may simply not survive.

the Following test conditions — today at 17:00 Moscow time.

Because theoretically, the piano may fall not only when we fire back rope, and all (the thing, in General, is not new and not very fit for acrobatic somersaults), we write the video with all three cameras around the clock.

Considering that 1 hour of video with trichogaster bitrate weighs approximately 1.3 GB by the end of the project we will have accumulated about 3 x 24 x 7 x 1.3 = 655,2 GB of footage. Now it is written directly to the server (thanks to Scalaxy for it!)
Maybe after the fact assemble from it a small video with the most important moments.

PS In many ways, this project is trial and testing, how real in a short time and with a limited budget to make the simple, but technologically advanced website.
Comments, questions and constructive criticism are welcome!

upd.: A huge thank you to abrowser for load testing. Programmers swearing, but the ball more or less kept. In peak time was 1700 video connections, but the server survived.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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