PageRank and the fight against cancer

German scientists are using a modified version of PageRank to scan the tumors. This algorithm, NetRank, scans genes and proteins in cells and determines all the features of the relations between them, in the same way as PageRank scans the web page for hyperlinks. This approach can help in finding new ways of treating tumors.
Christoph winter, doctor of medical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden:
— First, we strongly experimented and tried to invent our own algorithm for finding the links. Then I decided that it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel when there are PageRank.
While the study focused on tumors of the pancreas, the most common form of which is, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, are causing more than 130,000 deaths per year (Europe and US).
The researchers used NetRank to analyze 20000 proteins to determine the approximate parameters of their survival. Then it was identified 7 proteins that can help in the assessment of the "aggressiveness" of the tumor. And this rating is a direct guide for clinicians should use chemotherapy or not.
— The most surprising for me is the fact that the method used in one field (computer science), can be successfully used in an entirely different field — in medicine, said Christoph.
Winter also warned all against excessive optimism about the news — yet we are not talking about diagnosis or prevention of cancer, the algorithm is used only in cases with patients who already have diagnosis.
Who cares — scientific article these guys.
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