Speakplace the second coming is delayed, looking for fighters in the team

And it's been almost 5 months since our prototype online voice conferences Speakplace.ru

And to whet your dear Gabriele, interest in the project, we decided to share with you the current situation on the battlefield.

After the publication of our first article, we received a vivid response, it created a lot of conferences and written many recommendations and wishes. We took all the criticism has reviewed all comments and suggestions, collected them together and started work on a new, stable version of the service.

First of all, we decided to abandon this apparent minimalism in design and switched to a more "normal" looking format, thought out interface and now the layouts are under "style".
The logo also has undergone slight changes, now it looks like this:

But mid-way we had a problem. In the circumstances, we lost our lead programmer, who really counted. Just at the moment when it was to begin its part of the job. And now we are looking for talented web developer.

1) you Have the experience developing the difficult startups,
2) You are really talented web developer
3) You are interested in our project, you believe in him and are willing to work on it, then it worked for you,
4) You think not as all,
5) You love to break stereotypes, then respond!

What we need you!
And if you're from St. Petersburg, you can be sure we can be friends :)

Send a small summary, which will be written a few words about you (age, where you live, what you do), showing your best works, describes your skills, and briefly say why you want to join our startup.
We are always open to any suggestions.
Address for communication: speakplace@гмэйл.com

Talents, we need you! Together we will create a new format of communication on the Internet.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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