Bent water!

Admins and moderators: This thread is in the section of offtopica, write here about everything. Though hence do not delete the topic who wish to read there.
Preface. Yesterday I placed this topic in the hubs "Microblogging", "the Future is here". People the topic is appreciated, but after about an hour he moved to my drafts marked "irrelevant." I hope from offtopica they don't have the heart to delete.

Good evening everyone!
Tonight, after a hard day's work, had untold pleasure to chat with a representative for the sale of water filters. We had a conversation beyond good and evil, in which he opened my eyes to modern technologies of water purification. All at once the fatigue has passed and the mood has risen to the heavens. I learned the Zen. Can't this universal knowledge to keep it to myself, I will share with you.

Asked us home to arrange a presentation of the advertising salesman sells filters Blue Filter. Learned that we have a pitcher "barrier" and asked to get water from the tap and from the filter. Shows a sign, which shows different values. 0-40 units — great for 200 — just to carry people to the cemetery. I have tried it I water and miracle-the device showed 209. I understood everything and went to the store for white Slippers. When he returned, he measured up the water from the filter. The device showed a 233! I went to the store for a candle and a white sheet and began to listen to the Teacher.
— See what results from the filter?
— I see.
— Surprised?
(here Housewives usually are all in unison, waving his head affirmatively)
— No.
— Why is this? (surprised)
— Well, I do imagine a device canister, and understand that at the outlet of the impurities are gone, but a little of your particle filter gives the water. So the water is even better conducts current.
— You do not understand anything! This is because the filter first, during the week, gaining himself the bad stuff, and then hard gives. You filter get doubly dirty water. Therefore, the cartridge in the filter should be changed once a week. And since they cost about 300 rubles per month then you must give 1.5 Tr
— It's nearby traffic police post, so be careful!
— In terms of?
— I mean you drive a lot.
Cassette in the family of two people should be changed every 2-3 months, depending on water consumption. It's even in the instructions written by the manufacturer.
— No, the manufacturer does not know. Our firm is well versed in their process.
Then I lightly hung from such statements. Well, okay, continue, conversation is not boring. Get a new cartridge from the box, put in the filter and pour water through it. This fellow got nervous, when it seems no one experiments is not satisfied, it is his prerogative. To measure the water after the new cartridge — 215! No wonder I govorila coal particles. But I said nothing, honest eyes looking at him. Then hung it. For a long time.
— Nuuuu, tuuut, ataaa. In short you bought a fake filter, it was necessary to take the ink cartridge from the manufacturer and not a counterfeit. Ugh!
I said nothing. When an intelligent person argues with a fool, the side has not distinguished which of the two is a fool.

It's time tricks. He pulls out a bottle of water and a box of wire and two sets of electrodes. The wire plugs into the wall socket, the electrodes are lowered in the mine water samples. Begins the standard process of electrolysis, accompanied by the bubbles, the bubbling and the formation of precipitation rusty with his electrode.
— See?
See it!
And now my water from the filter.
The electrodes are lowered into the water and nothing. And what wonder, distilled water is an extremely poor conductor.
— See?
See it!
— Do you understand now what kind of water we should drink?
Yeah. From the tap.
— You go to the forest to drink distilled water. Instantly wash all the salt from the body and bones. Whether heart will refuse, or osteoporosis with brittle bones and soft dokanali.
(but I can see it with your own eyes that is)
— We have a system of 7 steps of purification. The first 3 coal and some sort of thread (do not remember). 4th filter membrane. Her DISTILLED water to remineralizing filter.
— To stand! I'm talking about cops. Again, chase is not a child.
— What opato something wrong?
Is physics taught?
— What the fuck is the distillation in the filter at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure?
— Well, there is this... (again hung). Oh, it's not distillation, there is osmosis. Reverse!
— Well, now is another matter. Is willing to believe. Go on!
This purified water flows into remineralizing filter. And from it to the filter from coconut shavings. There water restores its structure. (followed by a gesture, a clenched fist when decompressed)
— And you can find out what is happening with the structure of the water into mechanical file?
— Well, from the membrane it leaves BENT
When I got up from the floor, lifted out the fallen jaw, and we continued.
— Bent, crumpled.
Yeah, the water molecule mangles in the membrane.
Is a molecule? Mangles? In the membrane? What? The electrons break away, form free ions, the atom splits into protons and neutrons, which in turn decays to quarks? And then in the coconut filter is going back in?
— Well, Yes, sort of. You know it's getting late, I gotta go. Here's the website, there read more. Bye!

For those who have bad physics, shows in pictures the principle of operation of the filter.
Water to filter:
Water after membrane:
And coconut water after filter

I here one can not understand why so much money is spent on the hadron Collider? Buy this filter, remove the last 3 steps and for 10-15 thousand roubles have the same result.

Then I remembered another similar story, add it here.
I was talking to a seller of a case by a high-tech pseudo-scientific nonsense. He sold for 500 rubles polusantimetrovoy plate humanita. The conversation was like this.
What the hell?
Is mahakamani, which protects a person from the radio emission of the phone.
— Cool! And how to use it? (already starting to look forward to, already salivating flowed)
— It is applied to the back of the handset under the plastic cover. However the case will have to be changed.
Class! So it blocks the radiation of the phone? Completely?
— Of course! It's shamanic! Because so worth it.
Holy crap! Stop! If the phone is locked with the back side, and I know his front, blocking radiation not happening? (5 minutes studying the hints of stains on his face). Trying to "help":
— maybe it should be in the front cover to stick? (he feels the end of the rescue rope, gripping it. Only it wasn't rope. And I could not break away from this nonsense).
Yeah, right, I was wrong. Need front!
Great. Only he is dialing then closes. Pulls the phone out of the case, the dialed number and puts back? Talked, you pulled, the tube was put back in the case?
— Mmmm. Yes, some sort of garbage coming out... But, no, I remember! IT ATTRACTS THE RADIO WAVES!!! (in this sentence the sky is not collapsed on me. but the cracks clearly went. Well, fuck it, graviconcentrate of such power that attracts the radio waves. Okay, we are fools, playing the game still)
— Well that's another matter! That's a good thing, it is necessary to take. Wait! But what if it blocks radio waves, so the phone will not work? He blocks it?
— Blocks, but only harmful. And useful pass. (MY MOTHER, MY PARENTS BACK!!!)
— Well, the phone is reserved for us. But also a phone contact? Their radiation 10 times stronger and around us now radio 20 pieces of nearby base stations (SMARTS, MegaFon, MTS, Beeline. about radio, television, satellites, gps, relate, radar I am silent).
Then I continue to talk he could not, because was on his feet and was breathing with difficulty.
Article based on information from
