EyeDoc — while the monitor is not blind

Good day, Hebraist! This article I would like to devote to the problem that faces each of us. The problem which will sooner or later try to use everything. The problem, which is often simply neglected. This problem — eye fatigue during prolonged work at the computer.

Of course, the issue was raised on habré more than once and the authors of the articles really gave good advice, which could help to protect the eyes of PC users. However, in most cases, they all boiled down to the fact that the main means of salvation — the island in the middle of the ocean is eye exercises in varying quantities and of different types. But let's come now to a friend/colleague/neighbor and ask whether he was to use these exercises and how regularly they perform? I personally do not believe neither in affirmative nor in the systematic execution of these exercises.

I couldn't accept that and I will continue to lose vision, so I decided to go the other way. What I tried, what has made and what is decided, I will tell below, laying out everything on the shelves in chronological order.

Until the moment when PC users start to realize that their vision has deteriorated, usually takes a lot of time(years 8-12). My problem was developing rapidly. I noticed something was wrong after 5 years. for only 5 years of computer use my eyesight has deteriorated from 100% to -3. Well, how else? Studied programming, played, freelancer, even in between work, I still sat at the computer. As a result, I often can't identify a familiar face from afar and catch the bus until they arrive at the minimum distance to me... But despite the fact that this is quite possible to live, I began to worry that rapid deterioration of vision.

First thing I did was to surf the Internet in search of the causes of my problem. When I first learned about computer vision syndrome (RMS). The symptoms here I will not paint everyone can see them on other resources. With the development of technology monitors are certainly better, but nevertheless still dangerous to the eyes. Let's see why.

Our eye is by nature adapted to a greater extent to reflected light. Accordingly, the light emitted to the eye — not good. You must agree that it is not so easy to look at the Sun or observe the welding process (perhaps my problem is that in my childhood I started a game of “Who long looks at the sun,” and won, but that's another story). We must not forget that the monitor is too light.

Another important reason for RMS — improper workstation ergonomics. An important role plays the level of the height of the eyes relative to the monitor, the light, the presence of glare. That is why so important correctly to pick up and organize the workplace.
Information technology is already very tightly integrated into our lives, but not all know how to use them wisely. Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate the negative impact of the monitor, but it can be minimized.

Once the problem was identified, I began to actively look for ways to combat it. I was tested many methods of prevention/eye protection. As I pointed out earlier, they all boiled down to one thing — exercise, exercise and again exercise. No matter how much I was looking for, but the meaning was the same. Being subjected to widespread disease of humanity called "lazy", I didn't have enough willpower to regularly engage in "charging" for eyes: I kept forgetting about it, but when recalled, I immediately told myself, if I am so busy that I can wait on this simple case. And what is the result? I forgot again!
Then I came up with a rather trivial idea to visit an ophthalmologist! The following day I spent going to the doctor, in the hope that I will get any clear guidance and medication that will help me not only to protect the eyes, but to cure them altogether. Unfortunately, my hopes proved to be unjustified and, to a greater extent, again because of the willpower. Optometrist recommended me the following:

1. To sit less at the computer.
2. To wear glasses, which he wrote;
3. To use eye drops;
4. Gymnastics for the eyes.

The first week I stuck to just what the doctor ordered, but by the second already pushed back the first paragraph, because, a priori, could not follow(work obliges). Then went and gymnastics, which I forgot or just postponed it, in fact, as with past experience with exercise. The glasses were subsequently used by me exclusively when working at the computer, rest of the time I tried to do without them.

If you read above, you probably thought I was a horrible lazy stupid. Truth in it certainly is. But, probably, being quite lazy, I wouldn't bet for yourself the next goal with all the ensuing consequences, including, I would not write this article. The aim was to find a solution that I would use by far is an automated system that can help prevent eye fatigue.

A month. A month I spent to find and try a large number of programs that had to do all that my vision has not deteriorated. The most common solutions that I've seen, a variety of blockers. The best and most functional of them EyeLeo. But I'm still unhappy with something, the lack of personalization made me doubt the effectiveness of this application. Why should I relax right now? Why do I have to perform these exercises in such numbers? Unfortunately, I do not find these answers for yourself. I am absolutely sure that many of you just removed such a program. Why am I so sure? The reason is simple: the molestation, the manifestation of its actions at the most inopportune moment(he's a programmer, as you know, always). And despite all of the above, it is really a good automated option, providing recreation to the user and amusing exercises to restore tired eyes.

Another good option I can give f.lux is program that tracks time of day and changing the color temperature and the brightness of the monitor, thereby allowing a tear to the eye. Interesting thing, if you don't want to work with flowers, of course... But specifically for me, not enough functionality as such. Yes, the utility removes a little tension from the eyes, there is no molestation, but is enough only one color scheme, can I do something else?

And then began what I call "the consequences". After some discussion with my friend on this subject, we decided that software which can recognize and prevent the RMS, it would be useful to exist in nature. And at the end of it all who, if not us? Enthusiasm took us over, the task so fascinated that we worked on it for days, and sometimes even all night (which is not very useful). I was gripped by the idea to create software that would help people faced with the same problems as me.

Recently we spent a survey on the topic "And would you software, which helps to preserve vision?"
According to the results of the survey were that such programs have a chance to exist, only 22% of voters gave a negative answer, and so we started work!

At the moment we want to provide you to trial a beta version of the program “EyeDoc”.
Now the program using a web camera can with a small proportion of the error to identify and give warning in case of such deviations:

1. The user narrows his eyes;
2. Not blinking for a long time;
3. Located close to the monitor.
4. Working with poor lighting;
5. The wrong angle of the eyes relative to the monitor.

We invite you to visit website program and evaluate the beta version of the product, we will be glad to constructive criticism. Leave your comments and suggestions.

If this software will be of interest to Gabriela, we will be happy to write a technical article about exactly how it works.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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