Habra-editor review

it's Time the guests to go, and now we have the editor for comments and Chrom'! :)

This version of the editor is a full port of Firefox'ovsky version.
According to the statistics of the use of Fox analog (not much is not enough for about 200 people daily), we can say that this bike is quite popular among absoluta.

So far, the use of extension is possible only in a Development version of the browser, but I must say that it is quite stable for developed. You can download it here:
for Windows
for Mac
for Linux

in the meantime, the guys from Google try over the user-part of his addon storage I'll give your links:
If you do not want to receive automatic updates, you this version.
If paranoia is your friend, this version automatic updates enabled.

You can now download with an official store! :)

To install the addon simply click on the link (above), click Continue (to Continue) to swim from the bottom of the socket, and then Install (Set) in the box. All :)

All vital functions can be read here. To get to the settings is not difficult:
1. Click on image in the upper right corner of the browser
2. Select Extensions (Expansion)
3. Opposite the addon installed, click Options (Settings)

Comments and bugreports are welcome!

P. S. Thanks to abrowser hellt for the tip! If not for him, not have been born at this addon :)

UPD. Fixed mini-bag
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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