Let them be afraid, just noticed... Create an outstanding Appeal in the Appstore

Imagine the teenager, whose sole purpose — not to get lost in the crowd. He is willing to sell his soul and parents if only to catch glances. Better delighted, but really it's not necessary. Come down and angry and frightened, even the looks of disgust. Not only indifference.


Now you know what it feels to be responsible for the marketing of the app in AppStore. In the place where the application is guaranteed to only rely on indifference.


A few months ago I met the wonderful team who made the most banal AppStore for product – children's interactive book. And not just a book – but a story, Yes, even the brothers Grimm. Hansel and Gretel. 71 app in the us store. Worse than Red riding hood...

Feet — the shoes, the eyes, the forehead, lowered his gaze to the street... Icon Pirozhenko, "fairy tale" in the title. 25 units a day...
Umilenie and pass away.

But the book had one small drawback — on the inside she was beautiful.

The owner violated all the canons marketing. The target audience of children's books on the iPad is a mom who dreams about a couple minutes of rest, while the babe, tongue hanging out, crawl finger on the touch screen. Most moms are afraid to be bad parents. So, the book must meet all of the canons – cute, soft, fun. Pink and blue, happy animals and a mischievous smile.

In the tale it was not so. It cawed the crows under the alarming sounds of rocks witch and fire alarming flame eyes of abandoned dolls. Hell, she was scary. She was a real fairy tale, like what it has recorded Gothic fellow Germans. Where is the witch really going to eat children, whom their father took to the woods to die.

I didn't dare to show it to my four year old daughter. I read it 3 times in a row.

But for an adult audience, it is also not good. She was far from Tarantino with his bloody kitsch, it was still a fairy tale.
The ideal audience is children 6 – 12 years. But for them, the parents do not shake their tales. They set themselves torturing cartoons and good-natured birds. Such a child is not going to swing "biscuit" from the Appstore. A standstill.

Experiment # 1. To make the app rocked.

Position the book as "a real scary story." People will download, you will see how great she is. Buy. Why? Well, because she's awesome.

the the the the
Name Tale of Hansel and Gretel – a magical interactive tale for children Kill the witch. The real story of Hansel and Gretel.
Description AppStore Tale — that's what filled my childhood, and what you want to experience again and again, even adults. Give yourself and your children! Plunge into the fantastic world of the Brothers Grimm! Relive the adventures of Hansel and Gretel together with your child!
We have tried to create immersive interactive children's book. It is a book game, book journey, it will not leave You indifferent.
The perfect musical accompaniment, educational games, vivid illustrations, with which you can interact, allow, scene after scene, to plunge from reality into a magical world, filled with dangers and adventures!
...long Ago, when fairy tales were scary and children went hungry, came to light this story. The story of treachery, magic and valor...

You may not believe in fairy tales. You can consider yourself an adult and Mature, you can even pretend you're not scared. It does not matter – the tale will come to your house — just download the app.
...A crackling fire in the fireplace and the sound of cars outside the window, children and adults, generation after generation, I grew cold from the loneliness of the dark forest, dreamt of the miracle, froze in amazement at the gingerbread house, jump out of your skin... But everyone continued to believe – all will be well, because it can not be otherwise.

The real story of Hansel and Gretel is a scary fairy tale.

People began to swing. Over the last month we have received 8000 downloads (the app is quite heavy and iPad only), has been in the top-50 categories in many European countries. Was featured by Apple. There was only the one to earn. Although the number of downloads increased by 3%, the conversion remained low. Users enjoyed reading the book (the average time spent by a user in the application – 10 minutes), were happily playing in minigames. But did not buy. We tried to drop the price to 1 dollar – nothing has changed. The number of purchases of the full version for 5 dollars and 1 dollar were the same.

So now we design the following experiment.

Experiment # 2. Improving monetization.

But more about that in next article.

Well, since it's a hub "I PR" — what a sense of accomplishment – a link to the app:


The link to the full version:

The link to the free version:
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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