LinkMeUp. Issue No. 22. STC Metrotek. Software development for FPGA chips. Instrumentation Ethernet

Stream of the 22nd new year's eve edition of the podcast linkmeup was a blast, and the subsequent publication of 10-th part of SDSM to consolidate the success. There was a full house and the number of listeners and the number of new participants VK groups and the quality of review I wish I could say.

And with good reason — the topic of this issue is Measuring the quality of channels and development of FPGA chips to handle 100 GB/s without loss.
Visiting us employees STC Metrotek: Pavel Kurochkin (Director of development), and Ivan Shevchuk (engineer FPGA).
In the podcast we discuss:
  • equipment Line Metrotek — measuring equipment, switches, special design.
  • the
  • methodology for the measurement channels of communication and in particular Ethernet: two-way and one-way delay, jitter, bandwidth, BERT.
  • the
  • measurement Standards: RFC2544 and Y. 1564, OAM, TWAMP/OWAMP.
  • the
  • Chips FPGA. Making use different from ASIC.
  • the
  • to develop a FPGA to process Ethernet traffic at speeds of 100 GB/s. Problems, solutions, schematic diagrams.

In addition, in the 22nd issue, we begin a heading "History of communication". Keep it be Dmitry Bulygin. In the first part of the story about the discovery of electricity and the first prototype of the Telegraph.


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0:00:00 — 0:27:47: Introduction and news.
0:27:47 — 0:40:40: Topic "History of communication" from Dmitry Bulygin.
0:40:40 — 0:50:56: STC Metrotek. History, development. Pavel Kurochkin.
0:50:56 — 1:54:20: Measurement of parameters of communication channels. Pavel Kurochkin.
1:54:20 — 2:11:30: hardware Metrotek and market position. Pavel Kurochkin.
2:11:30 — 3:02:16: software Development for FPGA chips. Ivan Shevchuk.

News release:
  1. Release 1.2 VIRL and GNS3. Review of Alexander and Sinister' (link)
  2. the
  3. standard Approved G. fast(link)
  4. the
  5. cut the GSMA SIM specification (link)
  6. the
  7. Operators have simplified access to the sewers (link)
  8. the
  9. not a new: Yota now too Federal mobile operator (link)
    Comment leading: Restricting tethering and VPN — it is beyond good and evil. Yota changed his mind!

Two presentations to make you easier to listen to:

Pavel Kurochkin

Ivan Shevchuk:

To contact the developers of STC Metrotek, you can at
Article based on information from


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