Matahari — evil

Metababy is hubs General direction, which makes no sense signed (if you are trying to filter Habr), because in the best case, to a post in the sphere of your interests there will be two or three is not for you.

Metababy is pure evil, because theoretically interesting posts to me do not reach, as the authors put it only in matahari, or are among the three hubs (which hold the post) one or two matchable, and thematic, but slightly less relevant hubs there is not enough space.

I wrote about this problem a year ago, wrote in support, but to no avail. Hope to get this post attention to the problem. (In fairness, for a year at least removed a stunningly senseless hub Transfers, but not enough.)

For example, let's dismantle matahari from section "Programming":
  • Programming
  • the
  • Web development
  • the
  • Game Development — here you put like a Pro mobile, and harsh C++, news engines and lytdybr indie developers. Can be divided into Mobile game development, Game design and anything else.
  • the
  • Algorithms — divided into Computer Science and Algorithms for graphs. In addition to these two themes, now in Algorithms is often put posts on some completely random topics, exaggerated "Algorithm to search for the nearest free toilets in the city." Nuacho algorithm.
  • the
  • Development. Instead, you can add something in the spirit of the Methodology or DevOps. Plus there is already a project Management.
  • the
  • Mobile Development
  • the
  • High performance. Can be divided into the Development of high load web sites and low-level optimization.
  • the
  • Insane programming
  • the
  • Debugging
  • the
  • Industrial programming
  • the
  • code complete
  • the
  • Codoped, moreover, can not see the difference with Abnormal programming

Except metanabol, that's hubs, which is to clarify and to remove posts that do not meet specified subject:
  • Open source. All anything, if this does not put the posts on the topic of exit or upgrade any unit. Makes sense, considering the real interests of readers (as I feel), it is necessary to rename the Open source "Licensing and movement for free software", and the Copyright in "Copyright in works of art". Naming important, because it prevents improper use of hubs.
  • the
  • Client → Browser optimization
  • the
  • Parallel programming
  • the
  • Functional programming → Paradigm of functional programming
  • the
  • Design and refactoring
  • the
  • data Compression
  • the
  • System programming

To two times not to rise, they mention the problem of "pure nested hubs", for example
  • TDD ⊂ Testing
  • the
  • Git, Mercurial ⊂ the version control System
  • the
  • Creative Commons ⊂ Licensing and t FOR ∪ the Copyright in works of art
  • the
  • Agile ⊂ Methodology
  • the
  • , etc.

The problem is purely nested hubs is that if the author forgets (or can't because of limitations in the three hub to the post) place post in the hub or hub subset-superset, subscribers this hub goes past the post.

This problem cannot be solved only by splits, mergers and renaming of hubs. You can put pure nested hubs and software to do something special if the author wants to put a post in one of them, for example:
  • If the author wants to add a post, Nadab, to offer him add a post and one or more Pokhabov
  • the
  • If the author wants to add a post, madhab, to oblige him to add the post and one or more Radjabov

the restriction to a "three hub post on" should not act in these cases.
Article based on information from


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