One tip for creating a successful iPad apps

One day in the far distant past

I think that most of us survived not too many memories from early childhood. Anyway, to me this is the case, but there is something that remains in memory forever, zapechatlevshie in her bright moments. Often it is a joyful event, because we remember good is better than bad.

When I, freedom-loving, adventurous, and learning, was imprisoned in kindergarten, I was indignant. To soften my righteous anger, his father employed at that time by the artist, agreed with the administration of the kindergarten and on the walls of corridors and rooms in which we were imprisoned, there was strange creatures.

As shown by further research conducted by the scientific Board of independent experts toddlers, those creatures were called animals. For the most part they were representatives of the African savanna: Flamingo, parrot, elephant, giraffe, Zebra, wildebeest, Rhino and many others. This knowledge quickly spread among the prisoners of the younger group, and each could easily distinguish the peacock from the cockatoo.

There is only the present

Two months ago, our designer Tanya decided to move to the glorious city of St. Petersburg. The city and the designer certainly lucky. I'm always happy for them when their career is successful, after parting with our company. However, I faced the task of finding a new designer, because the work was piling up with incredible speed. After reviewing 30 or 40 profiles with illustrations on the website of freelancing, I found one that excludes any comparison with the others. The status showed "busy project", but I still wrote a letter with a job offer, realizing the unreality of a chance to get a positive response.

Thus began our cooperation with Nastya. Despite the undoubted talent and experience to create digital illustrations, works in the field of design of mobile games and applications had, so we decided to create the first test project on a contractual basis.

I wanted to make something simple but beautiful. In memory awoke childhood memories from the distant past.

Fortunately these days don't need to paint the walls to give children the opportunity to see the beautiful pictures, after all, have an iPad with a large, bright display. So it was decided to create the app "Funny Animals".

The idea is very simple — parents and their children identify the animals on the picture, substituting the correct name for another random illustration. The voice-over encourages the baby and pronounces aloud the correct animal.

The interface is intuitive — even a toddler will eventually be able to learn to move signs with animal names.

Project developers

No one had pinned high hopes on the success of "Funny Animals." I just wanted to do something nice for kids and check out the designer of today has become a full-fledged member of our team. However, I have long noticed that my most profitable investments are good deeds done from a pure heart.

We have been trying to move away from custom developments and focus on their own projects. There were several commercial products, which we have spent many months of time and thousands of dollars, but none was successful. "Funny Animals" has been fully programmed for 2 weeks by one developer, the illustrations took 4 weeks.

The app is free, with one built-in purchase and contains no advertising:

Without conducting any advertising campaigns without a single press release we obtained the following statistics for the first 9 days:

It is incredibly nice when the result of your work is not just gathering dust on your hard drive in the Apple server, and brings joy to people and especially children. We did a very large and popular projects in order that bought hundreds of thousands of users, but somehow a little "Funny Animals" deliver not less satisfied with the work done.

Finally, I would like to share advice with those who create their projects for iOS or just planning to do it. Better come up with something simple and make it perfect, than to spend a lot of time and money on a complicated product with lots of flaws and be disappointed in the end.

I would be grateful to all who have downloaded the app. It's free and beautiful

Article based on information from


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