Our view on the development of MODX Revolution in the CIS

MODX Revolution is a powerful Content Management Framework with broad basic functionality. The attitude is ambiguous: it seems not a CMS, but not yet a frame.

All over the world have been using them to create sites of different complexity and for me this is the best CMS. I don't want this post to discuss the pros and cons of MODX, its architecture and other details.
The important thing is: this is a known system, and it's in the top five rankings OpenSource CMS. And if you believe CMS Magazine and Runet Rating, or even third.

MODX, like most Open Source systems developed in a decentralized manner. Of course, there's the command center, the kernel programmers and all that, but the main thing in any CMS is expanding and their users write. They do this for several reasons:
  • to Create a solution for yourself to use it on future projects.
  • the
  • Receive feedback and improve the solution.
  • Amuse your self-esteem, test skills. the

  • Sell your code, earn money.

Now, in MODX there is no opportunity to sell their add-ons through the official website or repository. They are all free and that, on the one hand, good, but with another — there is no normal support, documentation, and quality supplements is no guarantee.

The result is a powerful, popular, no one writes to the add-on professionally, does not guarantee their support / updates and is not obliged to help the users when working with them.
In my opinion, that is a bad situation. On a long enough timeline all serious experts will simply cease to share their extensions, or will work to wear, keeping them free for hundreds of users. Well, or start as what to sell, via personal websites, blogs, etc. — then we'll get complete confusion and vacillation (which is happening now).

In my opinion, of the authors of MODX just have to provide the platform for earnings programmers, but they still did not.

Had to do it ourselves. We built the repository store for Revolution, in which any developer can put their addition and even sell. It is important that the world's first such service for MODX, he is a Russian and works entirely on the native system.


In MODX Revolution all the extras come in the form of transport packets, which are usually downloaded from the repository. Of course, provided and work with different sources and authentication keys. Moreover, this is done with the very first version, just for our case.

Standard source code repository, given that it works on RoR, they would we do not give because we decided that we will all do it using MODX as a proof of its flexibility and toughness. Anyway, I'm only in it work.

The result is a component of the Extras, which allows you to turn any website into a repository. It is not yet in the public domain (and not sure I will), but package management looks like this:

As far as I can tell, our repository supports all chips official: download version, settings, the download counter. There are also innovation — only access keys for more accurate statistics and protection of the purchased add-ons.br>
Many will ask, why do we need it, if you can free all to put on modx.com?
There are 2 very important reasons:
  • All in Russian: the description and reviews and problem solving. No need to write in broken English.
  • the
  • work Fine for the update notification in the admin package. In the official repo, they slow down for a couple of weeks.

  • Shop

    We proudly call our site a shop, but paid add-ons there is less than 1/3. Basically it is add-ons for ecommerce, in particular for miniShop2 — the store on it and works. If someone wants to build a store on MODX and get ready tested functionality and support — this is for you.

    Is a personal account filters, sync with 1C, a pair of payment systems, and one more thing. Already sold 2 add-ons and third-party authors: text editor and a quick reassessment of goods. In my opinion, it is logical that additions for making money are sold.

    At the moment, all paid add-ons discounts of 30% to 50%, it is likely that current prices will not change and then. If you want to place your add-ons we have in the repository, no matter paid or free — here's how it can be done today.

    In the shop we came up with a bold system of discounts: 10% discount on addition, with every purchase, and so on until 50%. That is, active freelancers will soon be able to buy for half the price. Given that the purchase will be paid by the customer — it is also going to be very interesting.

    If someone is interested in the technical details of the operation of the store and repository in one bundle, user registration and access control — ask questions, you can write about it separately.
    All the functionality of the site performed by standard additions, and almost all of them are available to buy or download for free. There are no special zapilivanie or hacks to the kernel. In my opinion, is very important.


    The project is created and funded by the Studio Simple Dream, which have long been developing websites in MODX and one of the 100 best studios of the Russian Federation on the version of Tagline.

    This is an attempt to boost the development of MODX in the CIS, to collect disparate developers and to provide them a platform to realize their talents. Maybe when we have something on this and will earn, but our goal first and foremost is the development.

    If there was an official store, or another similar site from the authors of the system — we would not bother, but it is not. So I write a blog in MODX, not "I'm a PR".
    In my opinion, this is the only real way of development for the CMS — collect around her specialists.

    Statistics for today:

    • Just add-ons: 30, of which paid: 9
    • the
    • Registered users: 324
    • the
    • Generated keys (connected sites): 408
    • the
    • Total download packages: 1401
    • the
    • Work: little more than a month

    In any case, again I will leave a link for developers. For free add-ons documents do not need to register, they must be good.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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