"Thread" is a real tightrope for cultural, educational and social projects

One day I wrote crowdfunding on habré. It was an interesting experiment and an interesting time when I believed in good and good believed in me. After our wonderful failure (in fact, no), habré appeared 139 topics, 1 hub and 7 questions on this vital topic.

/ > And, just recently, my friends launched their crowdfunding project (no blackjack and all that) — "Thread".

— Hey, is that another project to raise money in Runet, launched in 2013?! — asked the surprised Gebrauchen.

Yes, and there are good reasons.

My friends portal the Legend.ru, only in Runet project, passed a way from the usual idea of the file archive to the media library with Terabytes of useful information (books, audio, video), and from a simple idea of helping people to create a charitable Foundation with thousands of grateful students.

This year they created their crowdfunding platform. And it was decided by the team with the aim to help people who daily send dozens of requests, not directly related to the charity in its classical sense, but very well fit into the idea of "crowdfunding".

"Thread" the projects are divided into three types:
Social: it is about helping those in need, people left alone with their problem. For example, the program "Breath of life" Fund "Oxygen";
Educational: affiliated with the Orthodox education, mission and spreading the gospel. For example, the publication of the missionary magazine "living Water" in Saint-Petersburg;
Cultural: for those who want to sow reasonable, good, eternal through culture. For example, the revival of the Church of the Nativity, flooded when you create the channel.

The platform just launched, now it is just 7 projects. But the team is confident that soon you know about them are people who are doing good works across the country: visit social institutions, hold festivals and gatherings, help the homeless, work with children.

Among them may be you, dear Habracha as well as your friends and acquaintances that are not found until now their choicest of the socio-educational piece of crowdfunding.

Welcome to "String"!
Don't tear her garraffello, please!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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