Innovative way of development of the project

So you came up with a great idea and you have decided that turn it into such a successful business that even Zuckerberg himself will ask you for an autograph. What's next?

A common scenario: you read books mighty of this world about how to develop a startup. Study smart article about the different techniques and rules of its promotion. Learn from “enlightened” how to do this. Armed with intelligent project management and powerful rules of time management. Visit mega-workshops, start-up party and other places the focus of business wisdom. Well, as a consequence — finally, run your project investment, find a mentor and actively start to develop. In short, all “in the mind” and seems to be correct... But it turns out that is not so right.

First let us deal with books. Their authors are addressing us as what is right to do so was a success. How did they know how? The great God StartPos to them from heaven, not down, in order to tell all these secrets. They just brought his personal philosophy and rules on personal experience in the real work on the project. How many books — so many different opinions, and very often entering with each other in complete contradiction. And there are no right or wrong. Each author in its own right, because it proved what he writes from personal experience.
You can read a few books to have a General idea of how people have succeeded and to just have faith in yourself. But not to be found in the books any ready-made recipes, methods and rules — they deprive you of your own experience and skills to think independently.

Due to excessive following advice from books appear on the market the same type of projects and developed by the monotonous grey — a long, tedious and boring. However, if you study examples of outstanding projects and their marketing, you can easily understand that they were following their own experience and ideas, and books about them will write later, as another “recipe” for those who have forgotten how to think for themselves.
In this regard, your internal world is much richer than any library. Because if it is good to dig, you can make out their own rules, methods, moves and ideas. So did all who created something more than another copy of the coupon site.
Listen to your gut and the opinion was unusual at first. Feel uncomfortable without external support in the form of books, articles and interviews with various pundits. But when you get used to it, you begin to realize that by going much more interesting, just the risk is higher.

Are common well-trodden path — find is himself a bench under the sun in close crowded Park.
— Go your own way — you risk to make a lot of mistakes. But sooner or later you will find not just a shop, and a gorgeous deserted beach.

Systems project management even more interesting — they become intimidating much. I have tried several. And I realized that the use of them not so much as it seems. Rather, the contrary. On the development and use of such a system takes time. You need to create tasks, assign them statuses, set priorities, to adjust, to control, and so on. Much more useful to spend this time on the implementation of tasks! And it's not just in time. Using such a system become a robot. Put in order of tasks, set deadlines and flip them the status “Scheduled”, “In progress”, “Completed”, “we Say in unison — h***y need”, etc., It deprives the mind of flexibility and, in a sense dulls.

Business is not the way Yandex.the Navigator from the office to your house. Rather, it is the path to the island in a vast ocean and improvised means there can only be feedback from customers and developed intuition. And everything else is changing dynamically. So the problem should arise naturally and not be performed by the deadline and according to circumstances. Instead of issuing deadlines it is better to use the motivation of employees to communicate with them about their goals and plans for life, to draw Parallels with the implementation of the objectives and progress towards their goals. Then tasks will be carried out quickly and without any violence on your part in the form of hard deadlines, penalties, vaseline and a soldering iron.
With time management, therefore all is much simpler than described in clever books. If you have a great and Grand vision, which is goose bumps, no time management and no need.
So Wake up with “first cock” and work untiringly. Not have to force yourself, because the dream of you and so motivating.
And what and in what sequence to do during the day, should not be advanced online planner, and a private head and the circumstances of the current day. Need to be flexible, then make a lot and enjoy, not forcing yourself into a rigid frame. The more you are able to plan on paper the day to take into account all the circumstances. So why then do we try to live in an artificial framework?

Now about investments. Much better on your own take your project to the market and get the first feedback. I guarantee you that you have that something will change after that. And times will change. For example, in your first project I already the third time that radically change the business model, and in the second project changed the logic of tariffs.
When you find the correct and stable course of development, only then you should think about investments. And the paradox is that when this happens, investors will find you. And already you they will dictate the terms, not them to you.
In the end, instead of having to pay about half of the company for the paltry money, you will attract sound investment on profitable terms. Plus, the initial development of the project without investment will teach you how to save money wisely rasporyazhaetsya every penny and look for the best ways and development of the company and its promotion. This certainly books and workshops do not learn, only from experience. So it is better to suffer a little initially, but to maintain their share, gain invaluable experience, better understand your project and already then to think about investing. Perhaps they do not need.

And finally, mentors. This is the person you give a small share of the company for sound advice and guidance. To me it's a little surprising and perplexing. Why would any clever uncle from the need to advise me how and where I should develop the company? Of course, he's experienced and achieved something. But this does not mean that it is necessary to listen and give a share. Again, it robs you of your own experience and intuition of biznesmena. And besides losing another big business joy — inner vision (how you see your project in the future, to aspire to). And by the way, the most successful people have always done something is not by experts, but in spite of it.

And if to summarize, these two ways can be compared in this analogy:

Imagine you are the captain of the ship. You are free from others ' opinions and ideas, drive wherever you want, explore new shores and get out of all this real pleasure. For you this interesting adventure, something like a treasure hunt, and you decide where you want to sail. This is the way about which I have written.

In the traditional way, you, like, too the captain but before to touch the helm, you gather in the cabin, all his mentors, investors, and ask for their permission. And instead of the beautiful ocean you have to swim in a public pool because it's safer. And don't forget to wear a swimming cap. So taken (not by you of course).

I do not argue that the classical way also gives good practical results. But surrounded by all sides by mentors, other people's money, other people's thoughts, people's councils from books, management systems, monitoring and other external attributes, there is a risk to lose pleasure from the process and lose their own unique experience in the process of establishment of the company.

By the way, what path have you chosen?
Article based on information from


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